  • 期刊


Studies on the Tissue Structure of Leptomorph Rhizome and Pachymorph Rhizome Bamboos


本試驗以省產十五種單稈竹(Leptomorph)及十種叢生竹(Pachymorph)進行解剖研究。結果顯示兩類竹材之維管束其織維冠、纖維束及早成木質部管細自臨組織構造上之差異頗大。單稈竹僅具纖維冠纖維細胞,而叢生竹除具織體冠外亦包括獨立之纖維細胞束,此二類不同之纖維細胞以單稈竹者細胞直徑較小,細胞壁率高。纖維長方面除少數稈徑較大之竹種外,單稈竹之纖維長均低於2 mm,而叢生竹因具纖維束之故其纖維平均長大於2 mm。兩類竹材纖維細胞壁層數變化較大,介於3~9層間,且最厚層均發生於奇數層,厚薄層交互排列而成為重要特徵之一。竹材早成木質部管細胞在筍階段均為環狀加厚,至成稈後叢生竹仍保存加厚現象,然單稈竹已由填充體取代之,造成單稈竹之滲透性質較差。至於薄壁細胞壁層數目,單釋竹為8~12層、叢生竹3~8層,細胞長度均為50~160μm間,較無規律可循。


The main objective of this research is to investigate through SEM and TEM the tissue structure variation of fifteen leptomorph rhizome (single culm) and ten pachymorph rhizome (aggregated culm) bamboos speciesgrown in Taiwan. Many differences were found in the vascular bumdle, fiber cells and protoxylem tracheary elements of these two types. Vasaular bundle of the leptomorph rhizome species possesses central vascular strand only and both central vascular strand with one to two fiber bundles are found in pachymorph rhizome. Fiber cap of protoxyleprotoxylem is generally smaller than that of phloem and metaxylern. With higher wall ratio, fiber cells in the cap are shorter than those in the bundle. The average fiber length of the leptomorph is always less than 2 mm, except some species with large diameter culm. Those of the pachyrnorph is usually greater than 2mm, because of the existence of fiber bundle. Fiber wall of bamboos, in the fiber cap or fiber bundle, are found to have multilayer structure, characteristic in its atternative thickness, the number of the larger usually between 3 -9, and the thicker ones always occur at the odd number. Ring sharp thickenings are found in the protoxylem of bamboo shoot, persistent at the culm grows in the pachymorph, but disappear and replace by tyloses in the leptomorph, which might induce an inferior permeability of the latter species. Multilayers of parenchyma cell wall. are 8-12 in number in leptomorph rhizome and 3-8 in pachyrnorph rhizome, the average cell length is 50-160/μm.


