  • 期刊


The Effect of CCA and CCB Treated Wood on it's Decay Resistance


本研究係探討CCA及CCB處理材之耐腐效應,得到次述結果:1. CCB處理材之培養瓶內之腐朽菌,由於CCB大量流失,並擴散至整片接種木片,致使木片上之腐朽菌停止生長。2. 未處理材經耐腐處理後重量殘留率雖高,但其壓縮強度殘留率則很低,兩者間略呈直線關係。3. CCA及CCB藥劑處理材之耐腐效應均很高,經耐腐處理五個月後,CCA處理材對反腐菌的耐腐效應為0.20-11.7倍,褐腐菌為0.06-8.43倍。CCB處理材對白腐菌為0.14-10.54倍,褐腐菌為0.05-8.52倍。各試材均以邊材優於心材,CCA藥劑優於CCB藥劑。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of decay resistance of CCA and CCB treated wood, the experimental results are summarized as follows: 1. The white and brown-rot-fungi in the incubation bottle did not grow when the CCB treated wood samples were put in the bottle for decay resistance test because the CCB solution flew from the treated wood samples and diffused over the incubation wood samples 2. Although the untreated wood samples showed high values of residual weight (W%) during accelerated decay resistance test. However, they showed low values of residual compressive strength (σ_c %). The values of σ_c% increased linearly with increasing the values of W%. 3. The CCA or CCB treated wood samples showed higher values of decay resistance than untreated ones during 5 months accelerated decay resistance test. In the case of CCA treated wood, the values of decay resistance were 0.20~11.7 and 0.06~8.43 times higher than those of untreated ones for white-rot and brown-rot fungi respectively. In the case of CCB treated wood, the values of decay resistance were 0.14-10.54 times more for white-rot fungi and 0.05-8.52 times more for brown-rot fungi than those untreated samples treated sap wood samples showed better decay resistance than those of treated heartwood samples and CCA preservatives showed better performance than those of CCB preservatives.


