  • 期刊


Retention and Leachability of CCA (II)-Distribution of Boliden K-33 in Lumbers of Japanese Cedar and China Fir


本實驗以鉻化砷酸銅防腐劑(CCA type B,保力定K-33)處理柳杉及杉木含髓心之角材(900x90x90mm,長×寬×厚)。處理後取試樣,對角材中CCA及其各成分之含量加以分析。結果顯示,柳杉及杉木角材之全材平均CCA含量皆超過要求之10kg/m^3有效防腐劑量。相對於處理液中各成分之比例,角材中CrO_3之含量比例較高,而CuO及AS_2O_5之比例偏低。CCA的注入以縱向滲透為主,含量中角材之端面向中央逐漸減少。橫向滲透對CCA之分布影響甚小,僅顯示最外側直接與處理液接觸之部位有較高的含量。內部CCA含量最低部位並不如預期地出現於角材中央髓心處,而是出現在角材中央距外側約1/4-1/3處。柳杉及杉木角材外部CCA含量較高部位(柳杉>15kg/m^3,杉木>10kg/m^3),其CCA各成分之比例大致相似,而內部含量較低的部位,隨著CCA含量的降低,CrO_3所佔的比例有逐漸增加的趨勢,CuO及As_2O_5的含量則似乎逐漸減少。


This experiment was designed to understand the distribution of chromated copper arsenate preservative (CCA) in lumbers. Lumbers of Japanese cedar(Cryptomeria japonica) and China fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) were treated with Boliden K-33 by full-cell process and analyzed for the CCA retention in the lumber. Results indicated that the CCA retention in the lumber of both tree species exceeded the required effective rention of 10kg/m^3. In comparison to the ratio of CCA components in the treating solution, the lumber of both species has taken up more CrO_3 than CuO and AS_2O_5, which rendered a higher component ratio of CrO_3 and lower ratios of CuO and As_2O_5 in the treated lumbers. The penetration of CCA mainly occurred through the lumber longitudinally, which resulted in a retention gradient from the ends to the middle of the lumber. Transverse penetration indicated no effect on the CCA retention of the interior of the lumber. No retention gradient was observed transversely, except a higher CCA retention at the surface of the lumber. The lowest CCA retention part in the lumber did not occur, as been expected, at the center of the lumber. It occurred at the part which was approximately 1/2 of the length and 1/4 to 1/3 from the side of the lumber. The ratio of the CCA components in the treated lumber remained constant at the parts that possessed a higher CCA retention (Japanese fir>15kg/m^3, China cedar>10kg/m^3). While at the parts that indicated a lower CCA retention, the ratio of CrO_3 increased and the ratio of CuO and AS2O_5 decreased as the retention of CCA decreased.


CCA distribution
