  • 期刊


Evaluation on the Loading Capacities of Wood Roof Truss Assembled with "Cryptomeria japonica" Plantation Timber by Nailed Joint





柳杉 木桁架 抗彎性質 釘接板


The structural sawn lumbers of "Cryptomeria japonica" (Japanese cedar) were graded using a tap tone approach and assigned as the proper members in the truss system. The 5-meter long wood roof truss with plywood nailing plates was subjected to a static bending test. Results indicated that the flexural loading capacity of the truss using 45×120mm members was 29.1% higher than that of 45×90mm members. The flexural loading capacity of Howe roof truss was 11.2% higher than that of Fink roof truss. The bending stiffness of the truss assembled with the 45×120mm members was 13.0% higher than that of 45×90mm members. The bending stiffness of the Howe roof truss was 12.5% higher than that of Fink roof truss. The measured flexural deflections of developed wood roof trusses were among 4.06~6.88% of allowable values under the design loads. It also showed that the equivalent distributed loading capacities of the Japanese cedar roof truss under the flexural deflection limitation specified in the Code were 7~9 times greater than those of the design loads, which assured the safety of developed truss in service.
