  • 期刊


Thinning Operation on a Japanese Cedar Plantation Stand in Chu-Tung Working Circle. Part I. Standard Thinning Productivity and Residual Tree Damages


本研究探討柳杉人工林疏伐收穫過程中伐木造材、集材、整堆堆放、裝車、運材卸貯之作業標準工作量及留存木損傷狀況。試驗地點為新竹林區管理處竹東事業區第88林班,作業面積為11.327 ha,疏伐之立木材積為1053m^3,搬出材積為689 m^3,平均株數疏伐率為14.7%;材積疏伐率為13.2%。伐木造材採用鏈鋸作業,採短材作業方式;主要造材規格為3.6 m,配合規格為1.8 m。集材作業設計5種方式,分別為一段式下層疏伐木集材、二段式與三段式幅射狀行列疏伐木集材及二段式與三段式下層疏伐木集材,以集材機配合落轆式架線系統進行原木集運。原木卸整作業與裝車,採用附抓鉤式怪手;運材作業以鐵牛搬運車作業。研究結果顯示以樹高、胸徑、枝下高等基本資料與作業時間的迴歸分析模式可更效作為伐木造材作業時間之推估。經由標準工時法所推估之伐木造材、一段式下層疏伐木集材、二段式與三段式行列疏伐木集材及二段式與三段式下層疏伐木集材之日標準作業為每人每日依序為21.929 m^3、3.682 m^3、2.811 m^3、1.764 m^3、1.434 m^3、0.937 m^3。整體留存木損傷率為6.7%,主要為樹皮刮傷。


A Japanese cedar plantation stand with 11.327 ha, located at No. 88 compartment of Chu-Tung Working Circle, Hsinchu Forest District Office was selected to investigate the standard thinning productivity and residual tree damages. The standard productivity referred to the main work and incidental work were determined from in sites investigations of felling, bucking, skidding, piling, loading, transportation, and unloading procedures. The total volume of stand trees to be felled were 1053 m^3, and the harvest volume of logs were 689 m^3. The mean thinning grade on the number of stems was 14.7%, and that on the volume of stems was 13.2%. The cut-in-length method was introduced for felling and bucking operations with the chainsaw. The main bucking size of logs was 3.6 m and the second choice was 1.8 m. There were five yarding type designs in this study including the single span for skidding logs of thinning from the below operation, the double spans and triple spans for skidding logs from the radial row thinning work, and the double spans and triple spans for skidding logs of thinning from the below operation. The grapple loader was used for the log piling with respect to the diameter and length and a carrier truck was used for the log transportation. The results show that the operation time in thinning process can be estimated accurately with the regression relationships between the working time and the data collected from the tree height, DBH, and tree crown length. The standard daily operation performance of felling and bucking operation and those of the single span for skidding logs of thinning from the below operation, the double spans and triple spans for skidding logs from the radial row thinning work, the double spans and triple spans for skidding logs of thinning from the below operation according to the standard time study method were 21.929, 3.682, 2.811, 1.764, 1.434, and 0.937 m^3, respectively. The percentage of residual trees damages was 6.7%, and most of the damages were scars of the bark.
