  • 期刊


Survey on the Quality of Oral Preparations of Antitussives, Cardiovascular Drugs and Hypoglycemic Agents in Taiwan


為暸解臺灣地區監視期滿學名藥-止咳袪痰類藥品Guaifenesin、Noscapine及Dextromethorphan HBr與心血管用藥Atenolol、降血糖藥Gliclazide及Metformin HCl口服製劑品質狀況,於民國94年4月至10月間,函請各縣市衛生局,赴轄區內醫院診所、藥局、藥廠及代理商抽驗市售檢體共計161件,分別為止咳袪痰類口服製劑80件(國產品78件,輸入品2件);Atenolol錠劑28件(國產品18件,輸入品10件);Gliclazide錠劑23件(國產品21件,輸入品2件);Metformin錠劑30件(國產品21件,輸入品9件)。止咳袪痰類製劑參照中華藥典第五版進行一般檢查、鑑別及含量測定等項目檢驗,結果合格者79件,不合格者1件,不合格率為1.25%,不合格之藥品已依藥事法予以處辦。心血管疾病用藥及降血糖藥則參照美國藥典第26版及英國藥典2003年版作外觀、鑑別及含量測定等項目之檢驗,結果各項均合格。本調查計畫之結果將提供作為藥政管理之參考。


In order to understand the quality of the marketed oral preparations in Taiwan, a total of 161 samples, including antitussives (80 samples of guaifenesin, noscapine and dextromethorphan HBr liquids, capsules and tablets), cardiovascular drugs (28 samples of atenolol tablets), hypoglycemic agents (23 samples of gliclazide tablets and 21 samples of metformin HCl tablets) were acquired from different counties and cities in Taiwan during April to October 2005. Samples were analyzed based on the analysis methods described in the CHP V, USP 26 and BP 2003. One antitussive (1.25%) failed to met the requirement (noscapine content). All cardiovascular drugs and hypoglycemic agents met the requirement described in the pharmacopoeia.
