  • 期刊


Community Participation in Ecotourism-A Case Study of Incorporating the Fish Road Historic Trail and Bayan Community in the Yangmingshan National Park


本研究以陽明山國家公園管理處推動魚路古道結合八煙社區發展生態旅遊為例,以紮根理論為本,採文獻回顧、參與觀察、深入訪談等質性研究方法,探討國家公園對社區參與生態旅遊的推展。本研究有三個重要發現: 1.社區參與生態旅遊並未被有效推動: 八煙社區參與國家公園生態旅遊,是國家公園管理處承接由上而下推動的政策,社區參與程度低,參與的居民亦不清楚生態旅遊計畫的進行。目前的政策無法使社區參與生態旅遊在國家公園內落實,有必要修正。 2.參與居民提升了對管理處和在地的認同: 從參與的居民對活動及人員的肯定,並同時強化了對自身文化價值的認同感來看,可以肯定國家公園管理處在此地確有努力的成果。 3.國家公園經營管理體系未能隨計畫調整: 管理處的業務分工尚未能配合社區參與的考量,在權責不明的情況下推動生態旅遊,容易忽略社區的參與。 本研究建議在國家公園內推動生態旅遊政策,應給予充分時間溝通,適當培力管理處人員,讓他們具備推動生態旅遊的知識和能力,並且還可適當協助調整國家公園經營管理體系,以利進行。


Using Yangmingshan National Park promoting the ecotourism with Fish Road Historic Trail in combination with Bayan Community as the case, this work investigates issues of promoting community participation in ecotourism by the national park. The grounded theory of qualitative research, literature review, participant-observation and in-depth interviews were employed. 1. The participation has not been performed well. The current community participation is a one step, top-down policy promoted by the Park Headquarter. However, the residents poorly participated and knew very little about the ecotourism promotion there. It can be sure that the current policy cannot make the community participation in ecotourism feasible in the national park. 2. The participant residents have enhanced their recognition toward the Park Headquarter and native culture. As a result, we can be sure that the Park Headquarter achieved a certain level of community participation. 3. The institutional structure of the National Park did not accommodate to promotion of the ecotourism by the community participation procedure. Under vague administrative structure, the participation could be easily ignored. The results suggest that in order to improve the promotion, there should be enough time for mutual communication, among decision-makers, the Park Headquarters, and community, suitable training of park personnel, and appropriate adjustment for the National Park institutional structure.


