  • 期刊


Comparison of the Density and Longitudinal Compression Strength in Root, Stem, and Branch Wood of Three Hardwood Species


本研究目的在探討楓香、台灣欒樹、茄苳三種樹種的樹根、樹幹及枝條樹輪密度及縱向抗壓強度性質,以提供樹木的危險性風險評估或枝條的加工利用的參考資料。研究結果發現主軸垂直根、側生樹根、樹幹基部、枝條基部的樹輪密度,茄苳以主軸垂直根最高,台灣欒樹以主軸垂直根及樹幹基部較高,楓香以枝條基部最高。三個樹種中,無論根部、樹幹基部、枝條木材基部, 皆以台灣欒樹的樹輪密度最高。而主軸垂直根、側生樹根、樹幹基部、枝條基部的縱向抗壓強度,茄苳以主軸垂直根最高,台灣欒樹以樹幹基部較高,楓香以枝條基部最高。三個樹種中,無論主軸垂直根、側生樹根、樹幹木材基部,以台灣欒樹的縱向抗壓強度最高,而枝條木材基部,楓香的縱向抗壓強度最高。樹輪密度及縱向抗壓強度從髓心到樹皮的橫向變化,雖有不同程度的波動及變化,然而,大部分的變動趨勢是由髓心往樹皮方向有逐漸變大或在接近樹皮側有較高的密度值及縱向抗壓強度。樹輪密度及縱向抗壓強度隨著樹高方向或枝條長度方向的增加有逐漸減少的趨勢。


The purpose of this study was to investigate ring density and longitudinal compression strength in tap root, lateral root, stem, and branch wood of Bischofia javanica, Koelreuteria elegans, and Liquidambar formosana. Research showed that ring density of B. javanica tap root wood was higher than those of lateral root, stem, and branch wood. On the other hand, ring densities of K. elegans tap root and lateral root wood were higher than those of stem and branch wood. On the contrary, ring density of L. formosana branch wood was higher than those of tap root, lateral root, and stem wood. Longitudinal compression strength of tap root wood of B. javanica was found to be significantly higher than those of the lateral root, stem, and branch wood. Similary, longitudinal compression strength of stem wood of K. elegans was found to be significantly higher than those of the tap root, lateral root, and branch wood. Lastly, longitudinal compression strength of branch wood of L. formosana was found to be significantly higher than those of the tap root, lateral root, and stem wood. The ring density and longitudinal compression strength in the radial direction increased slowly from pith outward towards bark. Density and strength of perimeter wood near bark were slightly higher than those of inner wood. The variation in ring density and longitudinal compression strength decreased with tree height and with branch length. These results could assist tree risk assessment or branch process utilization.
