  • 期刊


Assessments of Terrain Effects on Land Surface Temperature in NTU Experimental Forest


溫度為生態系的主要環境影響因子之一,由於山區氣象觀測密度嚴重不足,如何取得山區的溫度變動一直為臺灣生態研究的重要議題。本研究利用單一頻道演算法反演Landsat地表溫度,並與MODIS地表溫度及地面測站草溫進行比較與驗證;另進一步探討海拔、坡向、坡度及地表覆蓋情況等因子對臺大實驗林轄區地表溫度的影響。結果顯示,Landsat-LST因具有較高的空間解析度,因此較MODIS-LST更能反映出空間異質性。以Landsat-LST來看,海拔為最主要的影響因子(R^2 = 0.61~0.73),接續為坡向(R^2 =0.22~0.49),坡度與地表覆蓋情況則不具顯著的統計相關性。


地表溫度 地形 遙感探測


Temperature is one of the main environmental impact factors of ecosystem. In Taiwan ecological research, finding a proper way to obtain a value of temperature is important because of serious shortage of meteorological observations in mountainous areas. In this study, land surface temperature (LST) was retrieved from Landsat satellite images with a single-channel algorithm and was compared/validated with NASA MODIS- LST product and ground-based grass temperature, respectively. Furthermore, factors such as altitude, aspect, slope, and land cover, which might affect LST in NTU Experimental Forest, were discussed. The results showed that Landsat-LST could reflect better spatial heterogeneity than MODIS-LST because of its higher spatial resolution. Based on Landsat-LST, the influence of altitude was the most important factor (R^2 = 0.61~0.73) followed by aspect (R^2 = 0.22~0.49). In contrast, slope and land cover did not have significant statistical correlations with LST.
