  • 期刊


Diversity Analysis of Woody Plants on Campuses of Shueili Township, Nantou County


校園植物具有多樣功能,如物種保存、環境綠美化、淨化空氣、生態教育等。經調查結果得知南投縣水里鄉所轄學校共計9所,校園木本植物種類包含蕨類植物1種,裸子植物17種,雙子葉植物141種,單子葉植物13種,共計55科126屬172種;其中特有種16種,原生種67種,栽培種105種。各校的木本植物以水里國小的種類最多,共計59種,水里商工最少,僅21種。依植物在各校出現的總株樹選出南投縣水里鄉校園數量最多的10種木本植物為:大葉桃花心木(Swietenia macrophylla)、側柏(Platycladus orientalis)、山櫻花(Prunus campanulata)、龍柏(Juniperus chinensis var. kaizuka)、臺灣五葉松(Pinus morrisonicola)、小葉欖仁(Terminalia mantaly)、咖啡(Coffea arabica)、臺灣肖楠(Calocedrus macrolepis var. formosana)、大王椰子(Roystonea regia)、黃金風鈴木(Tabebuia chrysotricha)。分析結果顯示水里鄉校園木本植物總數量,以栽培種的比率最高,約61.05%,非特有種之原生種約29.65%,特有種約9.3%,為了達成推廣本土教育與適地適種的目的,建議各校在栽植木本植物時,應優先考慮臺灣特有種與原生種。


水里鄉 校園植物 栽培種 特有種 原生種


Plants on a campus have various functions, such as species conservation, campus beautification, air purification, ecological education, and so on. In this study, we investigated woody plants of 9 schools in Shueili Township, Nantou County. Totally, we found 172 woody plant species comprising 1 Pteridophyta, 17 gymnosperms, 141 dicotyledons, and 13 monocotyledons, which belonged to 126 genera, 55 families, and 172 species. Of all the species, 16 were endemic, 67 native, and 105 cultivated. Among the 9 schools, Shueili Elementary School had the highest diversity of woody plant species (59), and Shueili Vocational High School had the lowest (21). The top 10 of woody species are Swietenia macrophylla, Platycladus orientalis, Prunus campanulata, Juniperus chinensis var. kaizuka, Pinus morrisonicola, Terminalia mantaly, Coffea arabica, Calocedrus macrolepis var. formosana, Roystonea regia, and Tabebuia chrysotricha. Among all the species, 61. 05% of were cultivated species, while native and endemic species accounted for 29. 65% and 9. 3%, respectively. Therefore, we suggested that more native and endemic species should be planted for promoting local botanical education and adaptability of planted species on these campuses in the future.


