  • 期刊


The Analysis of Diversity of the Dominant Tree Species in Relation to Their Environment in School Campuses Located in Mailiao Township, Yunlin County


校園是學童認識樹木的重要場域,不同的種類組成,更是進行樹木多樣性識別與環境教育不可或缺的良好素材。本研究針對雲林縣校園,包含樹種、學校人數、校園面積和綠地面積引用自「教育部學校植樹環境盤點」系統建立基本資料,接續實地至各校園複查與評估,針對樹木組成進行多樣性分析,並依照影響人員健康、破壞鋪面及建築、孳生危害健康害蟲及其他等4項問題樹種因素案例統計與分析。例如:黑板樹(Alstonia scholaris)常易發生栽植距離較近、植穴空間不足或易引發過敏等情形。麥寮鄉六所學校統計樹木共計28科50屬60種,包含裸子植物9種、真雙子葉植物45種及單子葉植物6種,其中25種為原生種(41.7%),35種為外來種(58.3%),特有種3 種(5%),外來種比率高於原生種情形尚與臺灣各地校園情形相符。常見栽植的樹種為榕樹(Ficus microcarpa var. microcarpa)、龍柏(Juniperus chinensis fo. kaizuca)、木賊葉木麻黃(Casuarina equisetifolia)、羅漢松(Podocarpus macrophyllus var. macrophyllus)、小葉南洋杉(Araucaria excelsa)等。六所學校綠地空間比率為28.3%,符合校園綠化標準。經調查分析,樹木造成問題源自早期栽植規劃不當,統計案例共計31例,以符合「破壞鋪面及建築」項目較多,其中小葉欖仁(Terminalia mantaly)、黑板樹及小葉南洋杉等樹種具有立即或潛在風險的情形最為普遍。建議未來校園進行樹木栽植宜有適當規劃並強化養護資源,避免日後因根系擴張造成建築物損壞或是影響人員健康,並逐步增加綠化空間與適合沿海地區生長的原生樹種比率,提升校園樹木的多樣性與保育性。


School is an important place for schoolchildren to learn about trees. A school has many different tree species throughout its campus. This gives children a great opportunity to recognize different trees and to study the composition of various tree species. The data established in this study were derived from the "Inventory of environment for tree plantation in schools published by the Ministry of Education," with regards to tree inventory, school population, total campus areas, campus green areas from six school campuses in Mailiao, Yunlin, Taiwan. The problematic tree species in each school have been evaluated and generalized. Based on the analysis of diversity of tree compositions, four main impacts caused by problematic tree species have been identified, including affecting people's health, damaging pavements and buildings, breeding of pests that are bad to health, etc. For example, Alstonia scholaris are often planted close to one another, with insufficient space to grow, and could cause allergy reactions. In the six school campuses, 60 species in 28 families and 50 genera, which included 9 gymnosperms, 6 monocots and 45 dicots have been found. These plants included 25 native species (41.7%), 35 cultivated species (58.3%) and only three endemic species (5%). The fact that there are more cultivated species and fewer native and endemic species is consistent with the research in various parts of Taiwan. The planting frequency has been recorded and it was found that the most common trees were Ficus microcarpa var. microcarpa, Juniperus chinensis fo. kaizuca, Casuarina equisetifolia, Podocarpus macrophyllus var. macrophyllus. The six school campuses in Mailiao have 28.3% green space ration, which comply with the campus greening standards. The research shows that the tree species on campus became problematic due to improper plantation in the early stages of planning, this has been found in 31 cases in total, with "damaging pavements and buildings" being the main impact caused. In conclusion, proper planning and avoiding planting potentially harmful trees are critical in campus tree plantation. This can be achieved with the proper development of green spaces; moreover, the diversity of trees contribute to improving our environment.


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