  • 期刊


An Investigation for the Butterfly Fanua of Heshe Nature Education Area, the Experimental Forest


為瞭解臺大實驗林和社營林區區內蝴蝶生物資源,自2015年1月至2017年2月,於和社自然教育園區及其周邊,進行蝴蝶種類與數量的統計。調查結果共記錄2,824隻次蝴蝶,分屬於6科153種。園區內經常出沒的蝴蝶共有54種,其中23種體型較大,適合作為觀察及教學之用。在調查過程中,6蝶種僅尋獲其卵或幼蟲而未見其成蝶,顯示幼生期的調查有助於蝶相調查的完整性。在不同月份的物種多樣性以7-10月最高,而11月至隔年2月區間則種類及數量最低。此外,本次調查首次發現黃星鳳蝶的幼蟲以樟科(Lauraceae)土肉桂(Cinnamomum osmophloeum)為寄主植物。為加強園區內環境教育及遊憩的功能,依據調查的蝶種組成,列舉5種蝴蝶蜜源植物及14種幼蟲寄主植物提供園區栽植以增加蝴蝶出現頻度。綜合過往文獻與本研究結果,和社自然教育園區及其周圍地區有234種,種類以蛺蝶科成員為主。依蝴蝶與其寄主植物的專一性關係,和社自然教育園區的蝴蝶寄主植物,係以演替初期陽性環境或次生林周邊環境為主。


To understand butterfly fauna of Heshe Tract, we conducted a transect line survey around the neighborhood of Heshe Nature Education Area between Jan., 2015 and Feb., 2017. A total of 2,824 butterflies were recorded, and they were classified into six families and 153 species. Among these butterflies, 54 species were common in Heshe Nature Education Area and 23 of them were large ones, which were suitable for environment education. Only six species could be found in their larval stages (eggs or caterpillars), and this indicated that searching for larval stages is helpful to complete the butterfly fauna. Species richness and abundance were both high in the periods from July to October, but the diversity values were low in the periods from November to the next February. In addition, it was the first time that we found that the caterpillars of Chilasa epycides utilizing the new hostplant Cinnamomum osmophloeum (family Lauraceae). Based on our butterfly species list, five nectar plants and 14 larval hostplants were listed for attracting butterflies in Heshe Nature Education Area. Combining previous studies and our work, the total number of butterfly species near Heshe Nature Education Area is up to 234, in which the family Nymphalidae was the major group of the butterfly fauna. Based on the specialized host plant-insect relationships, plants as food resources for the larval are mainly inhabited in the primary successive environment or secondary forests in the Heshe Nature Education Area.
