  • 期刊

First Record of the Powdery Mildew Fungi of Mulberry and Plane Trees, Erysiphe mori and E. Platani, in Taiwan

法國梧桐白粉菌Erysiphe platani與桑樹白粉菌E. mori在臺灣的首次紀錄


Two powdery mildew fungi are new records for Taiwan. They were identified based on anamorph morphology and internal transcribed spacer sequence comparison. Erysiphe mori was found on the upper side of leaves of Morus sp. in the Experimental Forest of National Taiwan University in Nantou County. In spite of potential native hosts, the late and patchy detection of the fungus only in the asexual stage rather indicates a recent introduction than native occurrence. In Taiwan, Phyllactinia moricola is the hitherto well known powdery mildew on mulberry, which can be distinguished by its mainly hypophyllous growth. The conflicting synonymies of Ph. moricola (Henn.) Homma and Ph. moricola (Henn.) Sawada have been resolved in favor of the latter. Erysiphe platani was identified on Platanus orientalis in a public park of Taipei City. Based on a brief summary of the worldwide spread of this fungus, following its plane hosts and of the introduction of plane trees into Taiwan as ornamentals, it suggests that data in East Asia are too scarce to extrapolate the spread of E. platani. Introduction of the fungal pathogen surely occurred at earliest after 1910, probably in 1992 or later.


本研究透過無性世代之形態學與ITS序列進行鑑定後在台灣發現兩種白粉菌新種。Erysiphe mori發現於南投縣內國立臺灣大學生物資源暨農學院實驗林的桑樹葉面上,儘管其有可能為潛在的本土宿主,但Erysiphe mori僅有無性世代零星且晚的發現,故可以推斷其應是最近被引進而非本土產生的。在臺灣,Phyllactinia moricola作為桑樹白粉菌已被廣為人知,於葉背生長為其主要特徵。Ph. moricola(Henn.)Homma與Ph. moricola(Henn.)Sawada的同義名問題已被解決且結果支持後者。此外,於臺北市公園內法國梧桐上的Erysiphe platani亦被鑑定,研究結果顯示此種真菌的世界性傳播可能隨著其宿主一同被傳播,E. platani隨著梧桐樹作為美觀植物之用一同被引進至臺灣,由於東亞的資料過於稀少故仍無法準確推斷E. platani的傳播,但可以確定的是此病原真菌的傳播最早應於1910年之後,最可能的時間點應為1992年或以後。


白粉菌目 真菌 韋伯靈芝 葉病原 新紀錄
