  • 期刊


A Preliminary Ecological Study on the Vegetation of the Experimental Forest Watershed in Upstream .of Shih-men Reservoir (Continued)


本調查研究之目的在於瞭解石門水庫上游集水區之植物社會組成,俾供從事探討環境因子對植物社會之組成,分佈與生態演進上之重要資料,並為水庫上游植生處理之參考。筆者於石門水庫上游(奎輝)試驗集水區植物生態調查一文中已對該集水區之植生狀態作初步之概述,然而並未詳列其植物目錄與體型,對該地區植物生態之研究上為一缺憾,故再完成此一續篇。本文之主要內容為石門試驗集水區之詳細植物目錄與體型表,包括126 科274 屬414 種2 變種及1 品種, 其中有一蘭科新種,且為新紀錄屬,及另一茜草科之新紀錄種。不僅在植物分類學上極具價值,即在植物地理學上亦具重大之意義。此一事實同時另具二種意義,其為本省植物之調查工作仍有待加強,另一為植物之遷移與擴張其分佈,自植物有史以來至今迄未間斷。本試驗集水區之植物體型以地上植物為主,共佔71.87%,其中以灌木類佔22.02 %為最多,蕨類植物商數高達6.88,此一事實充分顯示此一地區之氣候為溫暖而潤濕型而與該地區之氣象資料吻合。




The investigation study of plant life-form were made at Shih-men experimental forest watershed. The information will provide reference for plant ecology and plant geography. The procedures of the investigation are collection of species sample for later identification and life-form were recorded. There are 98 families, 222 genera, 324 species, 2 variety and 1 forma of seed plants and 28 families, 52 genera, and 90 species of ferns identified and listed in this paper. Also many species of liverworts, mosses and lichens were found, but not .identified. By the floristic investigation one new species as well as new record genus and one new record species have been found. The new species is Corybas taiwanensis T. T. Linn et S. Y. Lu, the new record species is Uncaria rhynchophylla Miq. The life-form of seed plants were determined by the system of Raunkaier corrected by Dansereon (1957), and ferns were according to Raunkaier's Pteridophyte-queotient formula. A total of 71.87% species in menifest (Phanerophytes) and 6.88 of Pteridophyte-quetient, they are indicated a warm and rainy climate.


