  • 期刊


The Use of a Weight of Evidence Approach to Determine the Potential for the Occurrence of Debris-Flow in the Gaoping River Basin


本研究使用證據權重法探討集水區地文因子與土石流發生之關係,從而判別土石流發生之可能性。證據權重法利用勝算及勝算比計算各地文因子對土石流發生影響的權重值,然後以線性疊加方式建立土石流發生評估地文潛勢指標 (SI),某集水區的SI 值愈大表示該集水區土石流發生的潛勢愈高。以高屏溪流域2005至2012 年間土石流事件為例,計算各土石流事件集水區的SI 值,並透過成功率曲線 (AUC) 的方法進行驗證,有土石流發生的集水區所對應之AUC 皆落於0.7-0.9 之間,顯示本研究所建立之地文潛勢指標能夠相當成功地推估土石流發生潛勢。


This study uses the weight of evidence method (WEM) to determine the relationship between the physiographical factors and the occurrence of debris flow, in order to determine the potential for the occurrence of debris flow. The chances and their ratios are used in a WEM to determine the weighting factors for 12 physiographical factors that relate to the occurrence of debris flow. The linear sum of 12 weighting factors forms an integrated physiographical susceptibility index (SI). The higher the value of the SI for a watershed, the greater is the potential for debris flow. Debris flow events that occurred in the Gaoping River Basin (GRB) from 2005 to 2012 are studied using WEM in this study. The SI-values for debris-flow-stream watersheds are calculated and ranked to produce successive rate curves. The area under the successive rate curves (AUC) in GRB is then calculated for 8 severe rainfall events during this period. The result shows that the values for the AUC are between 0.7 and 0.9, so WEM and the proposed-SI accurately predict the potential for the occurrence of debris flow.
