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玉米螟赤眼卵蜂大量生產技術改進:II. 條斑螟小繭蜂(Bracon hebetor)之防止及單位糙米外米綴蛾產卵量之提昇

The Improved Techniques for Mass Production of Trichogramma ostriniae. II. Prevention of the Occurrence of Braconid Parasite (Bracon hebetor) and Increase in the Alternate Host (Corcyra cephalonica) Egg Production


寄生外米綴蛾(Corcyra cephalonica Stainton)幼蟲並造成其大量死亡之條斑螟小繭蜂(Bracon hebetor Say)。將育蛾室走道遮光成暗道,以膠布封閉門窗之縫隙,門口及樓梯口加裝空氣簾,並管制閒雜人員進出,可遏止95%之小繭蜂發生危害,而減少47%原料卵之損失。本省每年推行放蜂面積約16,000公頃,需原料卵560,000 ml,每年將因小繭蜂之有效防止而減少263,200 ml原料卵之損失。每ml原料卵以38元計算,每年可增加收益新台幣10,001,600元。在外米綴蛾幼蟲化蛹前于木框週圍放入瓦浪紙,並調整每公斤糙米之接卵量為0.350 ml及于外米綴蛾幼蟲發育期間每公斤糙米填加麩皮粉30公克等措施後,每公斤糙米可採原料卵6.64 ml,較對照之4.94 ml增加1.7 ml。在未改善採卵措施前(每公斤糙米採卵4.94 ml)為供應16,000公頃所須之560萬蜂片,需用糙米113,362公斤;同樣量之糙米在改善採卵措施後可增產原料卵192,715 ml,每ml原料卵以38元計算,每年因採卵措施之改善可增加收益新台幣7,323,170元。本項小繭蜂危害之有效防止及採卵措施改善後,所獲得之經濟效益可達新台幣壹仟柒佰參拾餘萬元之譜。目前各蜂片生產單位均已採用本場之改善措施,進行大量繁殖外米綴蛾生產蜂片。


By blocking from lightening in the hallway with black papers to cover all the windows, tightening the seams along the windows, installing air-curtains on the main doors, and banning no workers entering the laboratories could prevent the occurrence of braconid parasite (Bracon hebetor Say) up to 95% and reduce 47% the alternate host (Corcyra cephaJonica Stainton) eggs from being lost. To make egg cards for release of 16,000 hectares each year, 560,000 ml alternate host eggs is needed to be produced. Therefore, there will be about 263,200 ml eggs to be saved due to effective prevention from the occurrence of the braconid parasite, the saved eggs are worth about NT$ 10,001,600 based on NT$ 38/ml of eggs.Placing 5 layers of corrugated papers around the wooden trays, changing the inoculated eggs from 0.300 ml to 0.350 ml per kg of brown rice and adding 30g wheat bran powder per kg of brown rice could increase the eggs collected per kg of brown rice by 35% compared with the check.Due to adopting these improved rearing measures the volume of eggs collected was increased from 4.94 ml to 6.64 ml per kg of brown rice. Therefore, the same amount of brown rice 113,362 kg used to produce eggs cards for 16,000 hectares could increase 192,715 ml of eggs if the improved measures are taken each year. The increased eggs are worth NT$ 7,323,170.The total benefit obtained each year from preventing effectively the occurrence of the braconed parasite and adopting the improved rearing facilities will be up to NT$ 17,300,000.


