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Effects of Seeding Methods and Planting Density on the Growth of Celosia argentea


兩品種雞冠花以撒播移植、128格穴盤、288格穴盤及直播育苗處理,其中撒播移植處理者定植後第2-4週之間有生長停滯的情形,使植株高度明顯較矮;其它處理在最終株高、葉長及花寬度等性狀之差異依品種而異;直播栽培有使株高較高並縮短栽培期的趨勢,因此是最適合的育苗方法。七品種雞冠花進行栽培密度處理採用行株距12.5 X 12.5公分、17.7 X 17.7公分及12.5 X 25公分三種,結果顯示栽培期間的生長曲線及最終株高各處理間無顯著差異;莖粗、葉長寬、花徑以12.5 X 12.5公分行株距的處理較細或較小,側枝明顯較少且到花日數較晚,但單位面積產量多對生產者較有利。本研究所採用的品種依表現可約略分為三群,分別為孟買系列,頭狀雞冠(阪田特賞、青軸特賞、紅貴),羽狀雞冠(八千代紅輝、火龍),這三群雞冠花管理需求並不相同,栽培上宜避免同區種植。


雞冠花 育苗方式 栽培密度


Two celosia varieties treat four seeding method (direct seeding, 288 plugs, 128 plugs and nursery seedling) to test those cut-flower characters planting in protected. The plant height treat nursery seedling was shorter than other treatment, and had 2-4 wks growth period was delay after planting. The other treatment had effects on plant height, leave length and flower cluster width of different varieties. The direct seeding had early flower time and better plant height is most efficiency for business culture. Seven celosia varieties were treated three planting density (12.5 X 12.5 cm, 17.7 X 17.7 cm and 12.5 X 25 cm). The results showed that no different on growth carve and plant height. But the higher planting density (12.5 X 12.5 cm) had smaller stem diameter, leave length and width, flower size, less branch and later flower time than others. But the cultivator can get more benefits from planting in high density for high yields per square meter. In this study, we can spilt the celosia varieties we used for test into three types. Those are Bombay series, crested type and plume type. Those types have different culture techniques so business grower should avoid planting different types of celosia varieties all at same field.


Celosia Seeding methods Planting density
