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黃色黏著資材對東方果實蠅(Bactrocera dorsalis)及瓜實蠅(Bactrocera cucurbitae)之誘引效果

The Study on the Trapping Efficacy of Yellow Sticky Materials to Oriental Fruit Fly, "Bactrocera dorsalis" and Melon Fly, "Bactrocera cucurbitae"


本研究探討不同黃色黏著資材(包括黃色黏紙及二種黃色噴膠)對東方果實蠅(Bactrocera dorsalis)及瓜實蠅(Bactrocera cucurbitae)之誘殺效果,以供農民正確應用於果、瓜實蠅之防治上。在網室(200 cm × 200 cm × 200 cm)試驗中,以黃色黏紙對東方果實蠅之雌、雄蟲誘引效果最好,對雄蟲之平均誘引率為70.0%,對雌蟲之平均誘引率則為55.6%。在瓜實蠅之誘引試驗中,雄蟲之誘引效果以「博士黏」噴膠最好,平均誘引率為82.2%,誘引雌蟲方面,則以「黏果蠅」噴膠最好,平均誘引率為25.6%。將三種資材同時置放於田間雜樹林中,每隔7天調查誘到之果實蠅種類及數量,結果三種資材都只誘引到雄蟲,東方果實蠅以「黏果蠅」噴膠誘得最多,平均為41.2隻,其次為「博士黏」噴膠,19.6隻。瓜實蠅以「博士黏」噴膠誘得最多,平均為31.6隻,而其他二種資材幾乎無誘引效果。南瓜實蠅(Bactrocera tau)則只有「博士黏」噴膠誘到,為3.8隻。在絲瓜園的誘引試驗中,「博士黏」噴膠誘得瓜實蠅雄蟲的趨勢與克蠅香混合液相近,但誘得雌蟲數相當少,平均每個誘蟲器只有誘到0.3~3.0隻/週。


The study was conducted to investigate the trapping efficacy of different yellow sticky materials to oriental fruit fly, "Bactrocera dorsalis" and melon fly, "Bactrocera cucurbitae" and provided the growers with useful information to control exactly. In the net test, the trapping efficacy of yellow sticky paper to male and female adult of oriental fruit fly was the best among three yellow sticky materials, the average of trapping efficacy was 70.0% for male and 55.6% for female. As for the test of trapping melon fly, the "po-su-nai" spraying glue was the best to male and the average of trapping efficacy was 82.2%, and the "nai-gou-in" spraying glue was the best to female and the average of trapping efficacy was 25.6%. We set up three yellow sticky materials within the tree and only male adults of fruit fly were trapped. The average per stick was better with 41.2 adults/week of orient fruit fly in "nai-gou-in", the next was "po-su-nai", 19.6 adults/week. The average per stick was better with 31.6 adults/week of melon fly in "po-su-nai", and almost none was trapped by the others. The "Bactrocera tau" was only trapped by "po-su-nai" with 3.8 adults/week. The number of male melon fly was trapped by "po-su-nai" was similar to culure mixed solution in the vegetable sponge field, but just 0.3-3.0 female adults/week per stick was trapped.
