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Selection of Food Attractants to the Melon Fly, Dacus cucurbitae Coquillett, and Supplementary Effect of Yellow Insect Adhesive Paper


選取酵母類、蛋白腖類、銨鹽類等三類九種物質進行單一物質對瓜實蠅(Dacus cucurbitae Coquillett)誘殺效果之網室測試,結果酵母類之酵母水解物、酵母抽出物、臺糖酵母粉及蛋白腖類之黃豆蛋白腖、酪蛋白腖A、酪蛋白腖B對瓜實蠅之誘殺率均高,皆在55%以上。九種物質分別與糖蜜等量混合後,除酪蛋白腖B外,其餘蛋白腖類及酵母類之五種物質對瓜實蠅之誘殺率,皆高於糖蜜本身之誘殺率,誘殺率均在71%以上。五種誘殺率較高之物質與糖蜜依不同比例混合,進行誘殺效果試驗,結果而得各物質與糖蜜之最佳混合比例,其中以糖蜜+酪蛋白腖A9:1之混合物(9M1TR)誘殺率最高。於9M1TR中添加乙酸乙酯後可增加9M1TR對瓜實蠅之誘殺率達1.4倍。以食物引誘劑(9M1TR)引誘瓜實蠅時,誘殺器外壁附加全張黃色黏紙後,可提高其誘殺率。


Nine substances from yeasts, peptones and ammonium salts were tested in a screen house to determine their attractiveness to the melon fly, Dacus cucurbitae Coquillett. Yeast hydrolysate, yeast extract, yeast powder, bacto-soytone, tryptone and bacto-peptone attracted more than 55% of the adults released. These substances (except bacto-peptone) attracted more than 71% of melon fly adults when they were mixed with molasses at the ratio of 1:1, respectively. Further testing on the mixtures of molasses and these five substances indicated that a mixture of molasses and tryptone in the ratio of 9:1 (9M1TR) was most attractive to the melon fly. The attractiveness of 9M1TR increased by 1.4 times when ethyl acetate was added to the food attractant. Percentage of adults attracted by 9M1TR was also increased with the use of trap coated with yellow adhesive paper.


