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The Influence of Rootstocks on the Fruit Quality of Grafted Cherry Tomato


臺灣農業發展精緻化,農地集約耕作,土壤劣化及土傳病害嚴重威脅作物生長,常利用嫁接方式解決相關問題,但接穗與根砧親和性是否良好,除了影響作物生長外,甚至影響後續果實品質之表現。本試驗藉由7種不同根砧,包括5種番茄砧'Actimino'、'Fortamino'、'Estamino'、'Japan Tokia 1號'、'Hawaii7996',及2種茄子根砧'EG203'及'EG195',調查'金瑩'、'臺南24號'及'玉女'等3種小果番茄接穗之果實品質表現。試驗結果顯示嫁接於2種茄砧之3種小果番茄產量皆比嫁接於5種番茄砧少;而嫁接於2種茄砧上之番茄糖度、酸度有比嫁接於番茄砧高的趨勢;'玉女'嫁接於茄砧'EG203',尻腐病發生率略高,'臺南24號'為所有嫁接處理中未觀察到尻腐病之接穗。小果番茄'臺南24號'以茄子為根砧,果實之酸度較高,口感風味較為偏酸;小果番茄'金瑩'及'玉女'以茄子為根砧,其果實品質較佳,但要預防尻腐病等生理障礙發生。現有技術:臺灣地區所栽種之小果番茄多以嫁接苗為主,用以抵抗土傳性病害,降低生產風險,茄砧則常以亞蔬中心所推廣之'EG203'、'EG195'等茄子品系為根砧,較少使用番茄根砧。創新內容:國內小果番茄多以茄砧為根砧,較少使用番茄根砧,本試驗則針對近年常用之小果番茄品種,嫁接於不同番茄根砧與茄子根砧後,是否會對果實品質造成影響進行比較。對產業影響:可提供業界對嫁接苗根砧選用之參考,依需求選擇適合之根砧,提升生產效益。


嫁接 小果番茄 茄子 根砧


The development of Taiwan's agriculture tends to be high quality, the cultivation model or system is very intensive. Therefore, soil deterioration and soil-borne diseases are very commonly observed and threat greatly, in terms of quality and quantity, to the production of crops such as tomato etc. The problem could be solved, in part, by the use of resistant rootstocks. However, success or not, it depends mostly on the affinity between scions and rootstocks. In this experiment, scions from 3 different tomato varieties were grafted, separately, on the rootstocks of 5 tomato and 2 eggplant varieties, to evaluate their effects on the fruit quality and quantity of cherry tomatoes. Results showed that fruit yield of the 3 cherry tomatoes grafted onto the 5 tomato rootstocks, their yield were higher than those grafted onto the eggplant rootstocks, but their soluble sugar (°Brix) and acidity were lower. Higher incidence of fruit blossom end-rot was observed in the combinations of cherry tomato variety 'Rosada' grafted onto the eggplant rootstock 'EG203'. Blossom end-rot was not observed in the combinations of tomato variety 'Tainan 24' grafted onto all 7 rootstocks. In terms of high quality cherry tomato, we recommend that tomato scions of 'Golden Sweet' and 'Rosada' be grafted onto the eggplant rootstocks, and blossom end-rot should be prevented as much as possible. Due to the low soluble sugar and high acidity, tomato 'Tainan 24' grafted onto the eggplant rootstocks is not recommended. What is already known on this subject? In Taiwan, grafted seedlings are most commonly used in cherry tomatoes because it can reduce the risk of soil-borne disease such as bacterial wilt. The technique developed at AVRDC used eggplants 'EG203' and 'EG195' as rootstock and they were grafted with tomato scions. What are the new findings? Eggplant were commonly used as rootstocks. This is the first we use tomatoes as rootstock to evaluate their effects on the quality and quantity of fruit. What is the expected impact on this field? It can be used for the farmers/growers as a reference to select their options to increase their profit.


Grafting Cherry tomato Eggplant Rootstock
