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Analytics and counseling of human resource in rural community in Yulin


臺灣農業缺工問題日益嚴重,在各地區農產業經營管理的實務需求上,季節性缺工對於產業影響最鉅。雲林縣各鄉鎮農會於103~105年度辦理「農村農產業人力活化計畫」,籌組農事服務團媒合農業勞動力,促使農村人力活化。本研究主要以雲林縣虎尾鎮為中心,並擴及週邊西螺、莿桐、斗六、土庫、斗南等鄉鎮,針對其農業人力運用現況,深入訪談農會主辦人員及雇主。就受訪者屬性而言,雇主平均年齡為56歲,平均務農年資34年;農會人員平均年齡為51歲,平均服務年資為24年。由訪查結果得知四點結論:(1)農業勞務人力需求情形:西螺、斗六與斗南鎮的重要作物如蒜頭、文旦及馬鈴薯等之種植及採收工作,係屬短時間內易缺乏大量人力之缺工性質,大部分雇主會請外地工頭調度人員前來協助;工期長之短期人力需求:而虎尾、莿桐與土庫鎮的洋桔梗、空心菜及白蘆筍等產業,其農務工作則屬缺工期較長,但屬人數需求不多之缺工性質,大都由農會籌組之農事服務團進行協助。(2)農業勞務跨域調度情形:目前雲林縣六鄉鎮之農事服務團,因交通安全考量,尚未有跨鄉鎮調度的情形;時間因素上,如西螺、莿桐、斗南、土庫有全年的人力需求,其服務團應付自身鄉鎮內的人力需求即已飽和,且出勤以外,成員通常有自家農務工作或個人規劃需打理,是難以跨域調度整合的原因。(3)農業勞務調度滿意度:整體而言,現階段雇主均滿意人力調度情形,大部分雇主會互相協調工作排程,盡量避免工期重疊之缺工窘境,使得員工可以輪流至各農場工作,增加其可工作天數,營造勞雇雙贏之局面。(4)農業勞務調度平臺之可行性:受訪者大都持保留態度,並提出有關保險、技術、交通、核銷及配套不足等疑慮,少數受訪者樂見調度平臺成立,但建議先規劃配套措施後試辦,並進行滾動式修正,以提供雇工較健全之保障。現有技術:以傳統僱工方式或藉由勞動部促進就業相關措施鼓勵國人從事農業工作,解決現有農業缺工問題。創新內容: 以質性問卷訪談分析雲林縣農村人力需求職能、時節、區域性、需求類型以及需求量等人力供需資料,並了解基層對聘僱農業外勞議題之意向。對產業影響:建構雲林縣農村人力供需資料庫之參考,做為未來設置農村勞動力調度平臺之建議基礎。


Agricultural labor shortage in Taiwan is getting worse nowadays. Seasonal shortage, in particular, influences the industries most when it comes to the practical needs for agro-industries management. Local Farmers' Associations of Yunlin County carried out a pilot project called 'Agriculture manpower adjustment project' between 2014 and 2016, and established "Agricultural service teams" to match labors to farms or enterprises in need, with an attempt to rejuvenate rural manpower. In order to understand the utilization of agricultural manpower in Huwei as well as its neighboring areas Siluo, Cihtong, Douliu, Tuku, and Dounan, this research investigates the person in charge of the pilot project at each local Farmers' Associations and the participating employers in the six townships. The average age of the employer participants is 56, with an average of 34 years of engagement in agriculture. The average age of the staff in question at the associations is 51, and their average service year is 24.The results show that agricultural activities such as the cultivation and harvest of garlics, pomelos and potatoes, in Siluo, Douliu, and Dounan, respectively, tend to suffer substantial labor shortage on a short-term basis. Most of the employers hire foremen off site to help dispatch labor force to the tasks. In contrast, the cultivation of lisianthuses in Huwei, water convolvuli in Cihtong, and white asparagus in Tuku suffers from another shortage pattern that requires longer participation of labor forces smaller in number. In this case, the local farmers' associations send the 'Agricultural service team' to assist.Concerned with traffic safety, there's still no cross-regional service in the agricultural service teams in these six townships of Yunlin County so far. And due to region-internal arrangement of task schedules, areas such as Siluo, Cihtong, Dounan, and Tuku, labor forces are in great demand throughout the year, the teams hardly spare the time for tasks in neighboring areas. Also accountable for the failure of cross-regional integration is that, besides team service, the members themselves are committed to their own agricultural tasks or personal plans. In general, the employers are satisfied with the current manpower dispatch. Most of them make coordinative arrangements for tasks with others, so that overlapping task schedules, which in turn complicate labor shortage, are avoided. Such coordination not only makes it possible for employees to work at farms by turns but allows more paid workdays, bringing forth a win-win situation between employees and employers. In regard to the electric platform for agricultural service dispatching,most of the participants have reservations about its feasibility and cast doubt on the issues such as insurance, techniques, transportation, cancellation of verification, and complementary measures. Only a few are positive about the platform, and they suggest prior discussions on potential problems and solutions and preliminaries with rolling correction processes. With these preparations, a preferable manpower dispatch system can be expected and the well-being of the employees can be better assured. What is already known on this subject? Hire the work method by tradition or promote to work the related measure encouragement the people follow the plow the work and solve an existing agriculture and lack the work problem by the labor department. What are the new findings? Analyze Yulin District manpower requirement working talent in region and season, local area and need manpower supply and demand data, such as type and demand...etc. with the questionnaire survey, and understand basic to hire the intention of hiring the agriculture foreign worker's subject. What is the expected impact on this field? Construct the reference of Yulin manpower supply and demand database in region, be used to establish the village labor force to adjust the suggestion foundation of a degree of platform in the future.
