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Effect of agricultural long term ecosystem on soil fertility and productivity of crops: lowland-upland rotation system at Yunlin branch, TNDARES


臺南區農業改良場雲林分場農業長期生態系試驗區已歷經12年,當中包含水旱輪作區及水田連作區。本次研究將以兩種施肥量對於水旱輪作土壤肥力之影響進行討論,並試圖以灌溉水質探討土壤肥力之影響。2007年至2018年之土壤電導度監測結果顯示各期作土壤EC值皆低於0.6 dS m^(-1);高投入制度(CA)及低投入(SA)制度所推薦之施肥量,在2007~2018年的監測期間,土壤導電度未高於0.6 dS m^(-1)。土壤有機質隨著土壤深度增加而降低:0~15公分土壤有機質範圍0.7~2.4%;15~30公分土壤有機質平均約1%;30~50公分土壤有機質約0.4~0.7%。土壤有效性磷及鉀以表土0~15公分最高,並且隨著土壤深度增加而下降。主要原因是施肥位置大多為表面撒施,故以表土磷累積量最高。土壤酸鹼值及有效性鈣鎂在2009及2014年有明顯提高的現象,進一步比對灌溉水酸鹼值及鈣鎂離子監測資料。結果顯示溝水酸鹼值於2009年及2014年並未出現明顯的變化,然而溝水之鈣鎂僅於2009 年出現較高測值,尚無法充分解釋土壤有效性鈣鎂提高的原因。現有技術:農業長期試驗區已設立12年,並累積多筆土壤分析數據。創新內容:將分析數據圖像化,有助於釐清長期土壤變化。對產業影響:水旱輪作田為台灣重要的耕作制度之一,將有助於後續進行田間養分循環相關研究。


Agricultural long term ecosystem has been set up to the 12^(th) years at the Yunlin branch, TNDARES. The long term effect of fertilizer on soil quality under lowland- upland rotation system would be revealed by monitoring the soil data. The results showed that soil EC was always below 0.6 dS m^(-1). Soil O.M. was maintained at the range between 0.7 and 2.4% in 0~15 cm soil depth, and soil organic matter was decreased by soil depth. Soil available P and K showed the highest content at the 0~15 cm in soil depth. In 2009 and 2014 soil pH, and available Ca and Mg raised, but pH of irrigation water did not significantly increased and Ca, and Mg of irrigation water increased. Irrigation water may not be the major reason for the increase of the soil pH, Ca and Mg. What is already known on this subject? The agricultural long term ecosystem station has been set up at Yunlin branch for 12 years, and soil data were well collected. What are the new findings? We turned soil data into diagram which would make the soil trend clearly. What is the expected impact on this field? Lowland and upland crop rotation system was one of the major crop system in Taiwan, these result would help us to investigate the nutrient cycle in this system.
