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Study on the feasibility of generally recognized as safe (GRAS) combination and hot water treatment to control the postharvest anthracnose disease on 'Irwin' mango fruits


‘愛文’芒果為臺灣重要外銷水果之一,而芒果外銷面臨之最大問題為炭疽病易於運銷過程中發病,直接影響果實商品價值及外銷競爭力。為抑制芒果因潛伏感染的炭疽病於貯藏期發病,溫湯處理被視為安全有效之處理方式,為嘗試提升溫湯處理之抑病效果,本研究利用一般公認安全(Generally recognized as safe, GRAS)化合物調配溫湯溶液,探討添加GRAS化合物能否提升抑制炭疽病效果評估。結果顯示,添加GRAS化合物對於強化溫湯效果穩定性不佳,未來仍有調整改進空間。‘愛文’芒果6℃低溫貯藏可有效地抑制芒果炭疽病發病,但貯藏21天回溫後3天,炭疽病或寒害症狀嚴重發生,故需配合冷鏈維持低溫,確保果實之品質。現有技術:溫湯處理技術為採後防治炭疽病的主要處理方式,然效果深受採前天候與栽培管理等因素影響,在採後階段達到有效抑制炭疽病的難度甚高。創新內容:評估‘愛文’芒果溫湯處理流程中,加入一般公認安全物質,是否有助於提升防治炭疽病之效果,增加貯藏壽命,維持果實品質。對產業影響:改善‘愛文’芒果外銷處理方式,減少採後損失,提升外銷競爭力。


'Irwin' mango (Mangifera indica L.) is one promising fruit for export but the fruits were infected with the postharvest disease, i.e. mango anthracnose (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides). Hot water treatment is regarded as safe and potential method for the control of disease development after harvest. In this study, generally recognized as safe (GRAS) compounds were added to hot water treatment to examine the efficacy on the improvement of hot water treatment. Results indicated that the efficacy was unstable enhanced. Other GRAS or the application may be tested in the future. Hot water treated fruit followed by low temperature storage (6°C) had a better result with lower disease incidence. If the fruits stored at 6°C for 21 days, better than the stored at room temperature for 3 days, you will find several anthracnose and chilling injury on the fruit. The application of hot water treatment plus low temperature storage at 6°C can extend the shelf life and reduce the loss of 'Irwin' mango in the future for exportt. What is already known on this subject? Hot water treatment for anthracnose control has been used for years. It is currently the main techniques for postharvest anthracnose control for export. However, the performances were affected greatly by the environmental factors and the cultural practice or management in the growing season. It is very difficult to control anthracnose in the postharvest stage. What are the new findings? In the hot water treatment process of mango, plus the addition of generally recognized as safe (GRAS) compounds in the hot water, to investigate whether it helps improve anthracnose or increase the shelf life and maintain the quality of salable fruit. What is the expected impact on this field? Improve the storage and transportation quality of 'Irwin' mango for export, reduce postharvest losses, and improve export competitiveness.
