  • 期刊


The Impact of Marketing-Related Activities during New Financial Service Development on New Service Performance: The Moderating Role of Service-Market Newness




Facing deregulation, blurring of industry boundaries, increasing competition, rapidly advancing information technology, and increased customer sophistication, financial institutions attempting to survive and grow will need continuously to create new ideas and launch new financial products. Successful new financial products (new services hereafter) not only contribute to the increase in sales and profits, but also help the institution build up reputation, improve customer royalty, boost the sales of existing products, and develop into new markets. However, the results of empirical researches show that only 60-70% of new services are successful, the failure rate of some financial sectors even amount to 50%. The financial loss directly caused by unsuccessful new services may not be great, but the hidden costs, such as the wasted human capital, negative impact on company image, opportunity cost (other new services with success potentials are missed) and customers’ losing faith in other services, can’t be neglected. How to improve the performance of new service development (NSD)? Scholars have suggested that financial service industries should enhance executive quality of idea screening and market studies to improve new service performance, yet these suggestions have seldom been verified empirically. Also substantial research has investigated the reasons that service industries neglected market research and test marketing during new service development (NSD), but little empirical research has examined the objectivity of these reasons. This study focuses on NSD in financial service industries in an attempt to explores the contribution of executive quality for idea screening, market research and test marketing on new service performance, and also examines the influence of service-market newness on the relationship of marketing-related activities to new service performance. Sixty-two NSD projects form banking and insurance industries in Taiwan were sampled as empirical subjects. The empirical results show that the executive quality of market research has significantly positive impact on new service performance. Subgroup regression analyses indicate that idea screening and test marketing have significantly positive impact on new service performance for projects of low service-market newness. Furthermore, market research has significantly positive impact and test marketing has significantly negative influence on new service performance for projects of high service-market newness. Overall, the significance of idea screening, market research, and test marketing during the new financial service development process varies depending the degree of newness that characterizes the new service and the targeted market. Therefore, this study suggests that for proving new financial service performance, participants in financial industries may adopt contingency criteria for new service idea screening and flexibly implement market research and test marketing during new financial service development process. For projects of low service-market newness, meeting the existent competencies, resource, and experience should be adopted as the idea screening criteria, and implementing detailed, formal and planned test marketing would help participants verify the effectiveness of marketing mix on attracting customers from competitors or potential customers. For projects of high service-market newness, strategic alignment may be the proper criteria for new service idea screening, and participants should enhance the executive quality of market research to reduce the uncertainty during new financial service development process (i.e., customer preference, expected market size), but should not implement overly complicated test marketing planning before launch to avoid giving competitor’s possible opportunity of leading into targeted market.


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