  • 學位論文


Effect of Perceived Risk on Purchase Intention of Online Auction for Female Consumer

指導教授 : 蔡享翰


網路拍賣網站近年呈現穩定發展的態勢,同時由於女性消費能力逐年提升,因此許多網路行銷專家開始重視女性消費者的消費潛力。儘管在網路拍賣進行交易活動之最大優勢是時間自由及貨物齊全,但網路交易的安全性與隱密性問題一直是消費者衡量網路拍賣交易的主要因素,而消費者也擔憂從網路拍賣所購得的產品可能與預期有所差異、產品品質可能不良、或將造成財務上的損失。 對賣方而言,許多網路商店之所以不賺錢,是因為網路購物存在著風險所導致,而知覺風險又是阻礙消費者進行線上購物的主要因素。因此本研究欲探討網路拍賣之知覺風險是否會影響女性消費者,以及此風險是否也會受到信任、網站特性及賣方聲譽之影響。 本研究範圍以目前國內前兩大知名拍賣網站Yahoo奇摩拍賣網站以及露天拍賣網站為主,且本研究之研究對象是以台灣地區的女性網路使用者(不限定其有無參與網路拍賣的經驗,但至少曾經瀏覽過拍賣網站)作為樣本選擇,進行問卷的發放。本研究除了採用紙本問卷外,亦採用網路問卷共兩種方式發放問卷。在紙本問卷方面,發放地點為崑山科技大學,請有瀏覽過拍賣網站的女性消費者填寫問卷。在網路問卷調查之樣本選取方面,是透過於國內各大BBS電子佈告欄及利用滾雪球方式請親朋好友上網填問卷,並利用電子郵件寄送問卷網址之超連結,由女性消費者自行連結到問卷網頁進行問卷填答。 研究結果發現,網路拍賣女性消費者的財務/績效風險與隱私風險的確會負向影響女性消費者的購買意願,且財務/績效風險對購買意願的負向影響會因賣方聲譽的不同而有所影響。


The online auction is in a stable development stage recently. Simultaneously, female expenditure is promoted year by year so that many internet marketing specialists start to attach great importance to female consuming potential. Although the great advantage of online auction are alternative and variety, but security and privacy are the primary factors that consumers always worried about. Further, consumers worry about expectance difference of product, bad quality of product, or losing money. For vendors, many online stores are in the red because of the trade risk in online system. We know perceived risk is the primary factor which baffled consumer to process online shopping. Thus, this research continues to study if the effect of perceived risk will influence the purchase intention of female consumers in online auction. Further, if the risk will affect female trust, characteristics of website, and the seller reputation in online auction. The survey is given in Yahoo! Auction and Ruten two websites that are the most popular ones in Taiwan. The sample is Taiwan female internet consumers who only had reviewed the auction website. There are two kinds of questionnaires which include paper and internet, the former one is given to the Kun Shan female students and the later one is given to the female consumers of the BBS stations in Taiwan. The results of this research indicated that financial/performance perceived risk negatively affected consumers’ purchase intention in online auction. Similarly, privacy perceived risk negatively affect consumers’ purchase intention. Finally, online seller’s reputation can win female consumers to bid, even if those consumers have financial/performance perceived risk.


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