  • 期刊


A Study of Change Process within Information System Post-adoptive Phase-A Dynamic Approach to Review the Impact of Mutual Adaptation between Routine Effects and Intervention




The purpose of this study is to explore the change process with regard to key actors within the information system post-adoptive phase. This research concerns with agents that trigger change, and relate to the intention and behavior of manager and users, especially focus on issues of who dominates the intervention, how the related actors within the post-adoptive phase interact, and what impact is generated from the change process. This study draws upon one large enterprise of the Traditional Industry in Taiwan through participant observation, process documents, and the narrative analysis to understand the reason why this situation happened. The phenomena observed consist of two significant events in the change process and five post-adoptive phases, and the interaction between key actors. Information system involves uncertainty of the investment and the risk of losing profits. Although many information system researches had been conducted, there were questions not clarified yet. Researchers started to introspect the research approach to see if it was too ”adaptation-oriented” to ignore ”user's phase”. In the meantime, some researches on ”user's phase” started to be published in top-tier journals. However, most of them were limited to either user's attitudes or system construction and none of them studied both the users and the information system at the same time. Moreover, the lack of longitudinal and multi-dimensional researches might lead to deficiency in theoretical implications. Due to all the gaps mentioned, this research studied the post-adoptive phase in a company that has used information system for a long time. Therefore, the study discovers that the whole change process within post-adoptive phase has related to intervention effort, routine effectiveness, co-exist and mutual adaptation effective. The mutual adaptation includes the reinforcement, restraint, and conflict impact produced by the invention to the routine use; the promotion or restraint impact produced by the routine use to the invention. Under the situation, the change of post-adoptive phrase predominated by manager or user has possible. It means the routine effect issue can not be neglected when we focus on the past perspective. The use routine can make the ultimate organization efficiency. By delineate the change process among the post-adoptive phase of information system; we contribute to organization study on routine and technology-used.


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