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The Impact of Social Networks on Psychological Contract Cognition


「心理契約」相關研究大多以宏觀角度為著眼,探討組織活動對於「心理契約」認知歷程所產生的影響;這些觀視野過於偏重組織作為之影響,漠視個人認知能力之限制與社會脈絡所產生的支配與影響效果,致使研究略顯缺憾。本研究以微觀觀點探究社會網絡對於「心理契約」認知歷程的影響。研究以XX國立大學企管系碩士班全體新生為研究樣本,入學後三個月發放問卷第一次問卷,蒐集工具性及情感性整體網絡,將其編成45×45之關係矩陣各一,同時對於「心理契約」認知進行資料蒐整(T1);於入學七個月之後,發放第二次「心理契約」問卷(T2),並計算出「心理契約」認知改變的程度。以濡染模型檢視「心理契約」認知是否受到網絡鄰近同儕的影響。 研究結果顯示「心理契約」認知確實受到工具性及情感性網絡的影響,且影響效果會隨著社會化歷程時點的差異而產生替代效果;另情感性網絡鄰近同儕間的認知會呈現趨同之態勢。研究結果可以補強先前文獻所忽略的社會群體對於「心理契約」的影響效力,同時亦說明了個人無法自外於群體,「心理契約」認知並非憑空而來,社會互動與訊息交流都是影響「心理契約」重要的前因,本研究冀望對於「心理契約」相關研究能夠開啟多重面向的研究思路。由於本文僅針對水平網絡之信任與合作關係對於「心理契約」的影響效果,未能含括個人物質與其它網絡關係之影響效應,期望後續研究者能夠統合「個人物質」差異、「垂直網絡」的權力因素與「網絡密度」、「連帶強度」之濡染效力進行研究與檢定,使相關研究更能貼近組織真實的情境。


Previous psychological contract researches focused mostly on the macro perspective to explore organizational activities for the impact of psychological contract cognitive processes, hut this perspective over emphasized the organizational Impact and disregarded the limitations of individuals' cognition and social context. In this study we explore the impact of social networks on the inference of psychological contract cognitive process from a micro perspective. We surveyed participants, 45 graduate students in a graduate institute of business administration in Taiwan, two times over a seven-month period. We gave the first survey, at Time 1 (T1), to investigate the cognition of psychological con tract and social network matrices three months after admission. The second survey at Time 2 (T2), was conducted four months after the first survey. We surveyed the cognition of psychological contract as same as the first survey questionnaire. Social contagion analysis techniques tested the impact of psychological contract cognition interacted with instrumental and expressive relational matrices. The majority of the findings show that individuals with whom a person interacts directly in the instrumental and expressive network influence the cognition of psychological contract, and the impact of both social networks generate trade-off effect at different time Finally individuals with whom a person interacts cohesively in expressive networks gradually form isomorphic cognition of psychological contract. These results complement the neglected issues of previous studies to illustrate individuals do not develop their cognitions in isolation and form primarily through social interaction However this study only focus the impact of horizontal networks on the cognition of psychological contract, unable to investigate personal attributes, vertical network and other network effects on psychological contract formation. In future research, scholars should attempt to incorporate multiple perspectives of organizational reality with testing the effects on psychological contract.


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