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Reexamination of the record of the turban snail Turbo bruneus (Roeding, 1798) (Gastropoda: Turbinidae) in Taiwan



許多研究報告記載了虎斑蠑螺Turbo brulleus (Roeding, 1798)分布於臺灣,但過去幾年於臺灣及鄰近離島進行的軟體動物相調查中皆未發現這個物種的存在。這個現象讓我們不禁懷疑臺灣是否真的有虎斑蠑螺並興起我們重新檢視這個記錄的想法。在本研究中我們回顧了過去有關虎斑蠑螺分布於臺灣之記錄文獻,並且搜尋了博物館之典藏記錄和檢視了部份標本。在這些文獻的圖片和典藏標本中,我們並沒有發現虎斑蠑螺。在這些報告中許多作者都將高腰蠑螺Turbo stenogyrus Fisher, 1872 鑑定為虎斑蠑螺,此外,我們還發現了有一個並未報導過分布於臺灣之異唇蠑螺Turbo heterocheilus Pilsbry, 1888的標本被鑑定為虎斑蠑螺。


The turban snail Turbo bruneus (Roeding, 1798) ha s been recorded in several previous studies, but there have not been any specimens of this species found around the coast of Tai wan in recent years. This fact stimula ted the authors to reexamine the record of T. bruneus in Taiwan. In this study, the authors re view all the literature regarding T. bruneus and al so examine the collection of the Nation al Taiwan Museum. We did not find any pictures, drawings or specimens of T. bruneus in these publications; and in the museum, the name T. brunells had been misapplied to specimens of T. heterocheilus Pilsbry, 1888 and T. stenogyrus Fisher, 1872. As a con sequence, of the two species j us t mentioned, T. heterocheilus is reported from Tai wan for the first time. The record of T. bruneus from Taiwan is dubious.
