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Cultural Implications of the Tamalin Site


大馬璘遺址位於南投縣埔里鎮愛蘭里,是臺灣最早被發現的史前遺址之一。2003年,國立自然科學博物館發掘埔里基督教醫院新建醫療大樓的預定地,獲得相當豐碩的成果。本文利用這次發掘所獲得的資料,重新檢討大馬璘遺址的年代、分期與文化內涵,認為這個遺址的年代約在4200B.P. - 1800B.P.之間,包含牛罵頭文化、水蛙掘類型與大馬璘類型三個階段。其中水蛙掘類型可能是牛罵頭文化人的後裔,並包含東部地區的文化要素;而大馬璘類型則是西部平原地區的營埔文化,進入埔里盆地之後,與水蛙掘類型混合的結果。


Tamalin Site is located in the Ailan District (li) of Puli Town, Nantou County and is one of the first prehistoric sites discovered in Taiwan. In 2003, the National Museum of Natural Science excavated an area designated for the construction of a new medical care building at Puli Chrisitan Hospital, with an impressive array of results. On the basis of data collected during the excavation, this paper reexamines the dating, period classification and cultural implications of the Tamalin Site. It concludes that the site dates from approximately 4200B.P.-1800B.P. and can be divided into three distinct stages; Niumatou culture, Shuiwaku type and Tamalin type. Of these. it is possible that Shuiwaku type is a later derivation of Niumatou culture and includes cultural elements from Eastern Taiwan. In contrast, Tamalin type is a product of Yingpu culture from the western plains arriving in the Puli basin and mixing with Shuiwaku type.

