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The Development and Applications of the Historical Typhoon Analysis System (HTAS) - the Disturbance Regime of Typhoons in Hengchun Peninsula


平擾時程對於一地區生態系之結構與發展,具有深遠的影響,為決定該地區生態系長期動態的關鍵。台灣地區位於西太平洋颱風路徑通過區域,深受颱風干擾的影響,為評估颱風干擾時程,我們研發了一套整合歷史颱風路徑之分析系統,透過系統的分析整理,可量化颱風干擾時程。本研究並以恆春半島為目標區域,應用此系統分析恆春半島過去45年間颱風干擾時程與空間分布。結果顯示,自1959-2004年間,中心通過恆春鎮與其周邊10公里、20公里區域的颱風分別為6個、8 個及13 個。平均每3.46年即有一個颱風通過恆春半島地區,其中,輕度颱風大約每22.5年通過一次,中度颱風每6.4年通過一次,而強烈颱風每11.3年通過一次。檢視颱風中心之空間分布則發現,颱風中心位置與卜瓦松分布所預測之期望值並無顯著差異,顯示颱風中心在恆春半島陸地與其鄰近區域為逢機分布。在此系統整合地理資訊系統與中央氣象局之資料庫,提供快速而有效率之平台,適用於生態與保育之相關研究。


Understand disturbance regimes is essential to the understanding of the structure and development of ecosystems. The disturbance regime of typhoons is especially important for Taiwanese ecosystems since Taiwan is strongly influenced by typhoon s as a result of its geological location. We develop a system, the Historic al Typhoon Analysis System (HTAS), to analyze the pathways of historical typhoons for Taiwan and apply this system to document the disturbance regime of the Hengchun Peninsula over the past 45 years. The results indicate that the centers of up to thirteen typhoons passed through the township of Hengchun and its adjacent areas from 1959-2004. Generally speaking, typhoons occur at an average interval of 3.46 years. Furthermore, our analyses indicate that these typhoons are randomly distributed in space. Integrated with the geo graphic information system (GIS) and the database of the Central Weather Bureau, the HTAS pro vides an effective means of studying ecological systems.


