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Visual Comparison, Realistic Representation and the Absence Strategy: a Discussion of the Aesthetic s Characteristics in "Fieldwork, Artifacts, Illustrations: The Multi-facet World of Dr. Chen Chi-Iu's Ethnological Drawings"





田野 器物 繪圖 陳奇祿 原住民 圖誌 特展


This paper presents "A Special Exhibition of Chen Chi-lu's Illustrated Ethnography of Taiwanese Aborigines" as an intersecting ground of both "Field and Museum", two different types of ethnographies. By analyzing categories and combinations of the "Artworks related to Taiwanese aborigines", we try to interpret the aesthetics features. The main idea of this study is to stress how the visualization will tie together with both "Drawing and Artifacts" two different kind of traditional technique and aesthetics system under anthropological contextualization thinking of the exhibition plan , which results the effect in the comparison, aesthetic and cognitive. To sum up, the purpose of this paper is to display the exhibition basis in "talking from the material to the people."From the aspect of observer's view, after build the intuitive understanding of the main artifacts, they narrate the personal involved of the anthropologist. In order to meet the demands of scientific rationality and purpose in the same time, the method of exhibition has combined both "realistic representation" and "the absence strategy." Also, the interpretation of the meaning of the graphic panel explains throughout the whole concept.
