  • 期刊


Studies on a Marker for the Lignification of Bamboo Shoot


為尋求快速檢測綠竹筍採收後木質化程度之差異,本研究以0.1% cotton bule染色綠竹筍的組織及螢光顯微照相技術區分維管束部份木質化程度,可分為五群,其與用物性測定儀所測截切力有直接關係。截切力與化學分析法所測粗纖維含量之相關係數為r=0.89,截切力與化學分析法所測木質素ligninthioglycolic acid(LTGA)之相關係數為r=0.74,由於化學分析法分析手續較複雜且耗時,如改用物性測定儀所測截切力大小及螢光顯微鏡觀察,更可明瞭木質化程度的差異及組織木質化的位置。由此兩種技術的配合應用,即可快速區分綠竹筍木質化的程度,所以測截切力大小及維管束螢光反應的強度可作為木質化的指標。


In order to test the different hardness of postharvested bamboo shoot (Bumbusa oldhami Munro), the experiment was conducted to determine its lignification with fluorcscent stain (0.1% cotton blue in 0.1N K3PO4) and fluorescent microscopical observation for the vascular bundle. Five groups of lignification correlated with cut force (measured by rheometer) were categorized. There is a high correlation (r=0.89) between the cut force and chemical analyzed crude fiber. The relationship between cut force and chemical analyzed lignin (LTGA, lignin thioglycolic acid) is also highly correlated (r=0.74). Owing to the procedures for chemical analyze are very complicate and time consuming, the physical method instead of chemical one for measuring cut force and fluorescent microscopy to distinguish the difference of handness and location of lignification was found to be effective. It indicated that the techniques for measuring the cut force with rheometer and observing the response of fluorescent in vascular bundle could be as a marker for the lignification of bamboo shoot.
