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An Investigation of the Properties of Common Cardboard Cartons for Fresh Fruit Packaging


本研究針對農林廳及台北農產運銷股份有限公司印製「主要蔬果分級包裝簡要規格手冊」中,只訂包裝容器及容器規格大小之缺失,彙集參加共同運銷農民團體購置之水果紙箱包裝容器,就其不同規格之瓦楞紙箱做耐壓強度、破裂強度、沖孔強度、撥水度等各項物理性質測試。結果顯示,農民團体購買之水果紙箱包裝容器,耐壓強度以空箱測試平均為440-730 kg,破裂強度測試為12.76-19.76 kgf/cm^2,較一般18 kg裝紙箱容許耐壓力350-450 kg,容許破裂強度12-13 kgf/cm^2,高出甚多,似有徒增購置費之現象;撥水度測試結果為R0-R10,品質甚不一致,R2以下紙箱在雨天運銷極易受潮,如考量氣候因素,最低限度應在R4以上,如為冷藏者,應以R8較優。至於包裝容器本身,採用雙層雙面瓦楞紙板、包裝結構為UV型、厚度7-8 mm、富彈性及較高之緩衝性能以及富撐持力、耐積壓物品之包裝均很適合水果等不耐衝擊之包裝。


包裝 紙箱 水果


The physical characteristics of cardboard cartons of different specifications were sampled from farmers' organizations and evaluated by resistance to pressure and breaking tests and water spray tests in 1994-1997. The results from pressure tests indicated that empty cardboard cartons held the pressure within the range of 440-730 kg, it was higher than the conventional cartons weighing 18 kg that can hold pressures of 350-450 kg. Breaking test revealed that the breaking strength was 12.76-19.76 kgf/cm^2, it was also higher than the breaking resistance requirement of 12-13 kgf/cm^2. Water spray tests showed that the R values ranged from R0 to R10 with revealed the variable quality of cartons. Since the carton below R2 is easy to get wet during a rainy day. When consideration the prevailing weather conditions, the water spray specification should set up at least at R4. But for the cold storage, it is better set at R8. In order to pack the easily broken fresh fruits and vegetables, it is recommended that the carton be made with the following specifications: double layered cardboard between 7-8 mm in thickness, good flexibility, higher impact resistance, capable of supporting and having high stacking resistance.


Cardboard cartons Fruits protecting
