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Breeding of Tomato Variety Taoyuan-ASVEG#9


番茄品系FMTT 33係亞洲蔬菜研究發展中心1987年自其選育之優良自交系進行雜交,經組合力檢定、各級產量比較試驗、抗病性檢定,所選出之一代雜交組合。桃園場於1996年引進進行區域、肥料等一系列試驗,於2000年11月13日經命名審查小組審查通過命名為「桃園亞蔬九號」。其特性為一代單雜交種,母本CLN 399BC1F2-2-6-0-0-0-0,父本為L 4783-S2-3-1-19-0-sel。本品種為非停心型,結果率平地秋作58 %,夏作18 %。果實形態為圓形,成熟果紅色,平均果重150 g,可溶性固形物5.8°Brix,硬度中等,輕微裂果,肉質脆,風味佳及色澤優等優良品質性狀,還特別具有消費者一向所喜愛的綠肩一點紅(黑柿)特性。平地區域試驗結果於定植後66-69天即可開始採收,可收穫56-66天,全生育日數122-135天。區域試驗二年二處平均產量:4,780 kg/10a。耐熱性中等,具有中抗青枯病和抗番茄嵌紋病毒病,適合北部桃園、新竹地區晚夏栽培。


番茄 品種 育成


The new fresh market tomato Ft hybrid FMTT 33 was developed in 1987 by the Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center (AVRDC). After a series of experiments of AVRDC including combining ability tests, preliminary and advanced yield trials, disease evaluations and seed production tests, the hybrid was introduced to the Taoyuan District Agricultural Improvement Station in 1996, for regional yield trials and fertilizer experiment. FMTT 33 was registered in November 13, 2000 as a new tomato variety, Taoyuan-ASVEG#9 and released for commercial production in Taiwan. The traits of the new variety are summarized as follows: Taoyuan-ASVEG#9 is a single cross Ft hybrid of CLN 399BClz-2-6-0-0-0-0 as the female parent crossed to L 4783-S2- 3-1-19-0-sel. It is a variety of indeterminate growth habit. Fruit set in the fall season was 58 %, and 18 % in the summer season when planted in the lowlands. In the regional trials, fruits have first harvested 66-69 days after transplanting. The harvest period was about 56-66 days. The total number of days from transplanting to complete of harvest was 122-135. The average yield of 4,800 kg/10a was recorded from regional yield trials of the summer and fall. Fruits are round, red at maturity, have an average weight of 150 g, medium firm, show slight fruit cracking, and good taste. The soluble solids content is 5.8 °Brix. Fruits of the new variety are characterized by dark green shoulder and a pointed red favorable to Taiwan consumers. The new variety also possessed moderate heat tolerance, moderate resistance to bacterial wilt and resistance to tomato mosaic virus. It is suitable for planting in northern areas in the late summer.


tomato variety breeding
