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Studies on the Postharvest Technology of Bamboo Shoot for Export Marketing


為探討綠竹筍採收後適當的預冷、包裝方法及貯藏條件,使適合海運方式外銷,以降低運費,本試驗以臺北縣五股鄉的綠竹筍為材料,進行冰水預冷、強風壓差預冷,包裝數量與包裝袋內加乙烯吸收劑之效應及貯藏試驗,於貯藏期間評估調查失水率,可溶性固形物含量、維他命C含量,筍切面之硬度與顏色變化,及官能品評。結果顯示,冰水預冷之降溫速率較快,但可溶性固形物及維他命C稍有流失於水,強風差預冷降溫速率較慢,但成分不會流失。最好的預冷方法是先以冰水預冷20-30分鐘接著以強風壓差預冷20分鐘,預冷後以厚度0.06mm PE袋包裝,具有氣變貯藏的效應,對可溶性固形物及維他命C保存較好,且筍切面色澤變化較小,但每袋包裝8支比包裝5支之品質差,因為產生無氧呼吸而有異味。包裝袋內加乙烯吸收劑,在25℃高溫時,會增加失水率、褐化程度及纖維化,貯藏期限僅3天;在0℃及5℃低溫貯藏時,對品質的影響呈差異不顯著,可以不需加乙烯吸收劑,保鮮期21天。依上述最適條件,實際辦理新鮮綠竹筍海運試銷日本,並先通過農委會防檢局之檢疫,以20呎貨櫃海運,溫度為1℃,全程16天溫控良好,卸貨時,調查品質,可溶性固形物仍達7°Brix,切口無褐化,輕微纖維化,經估算海運費用比空運降低88.8%。


綠竹筍 預冷 包裝 貯藏 海運外銷


In order to study the optimum conditions of precooling, package and storage for exporting bamboo shoot by sea, a series of experiments, including hydrocooling, forced-air cooling, packing amount and ethylene scrubber in PE bag, as well as the storage condition were conducted. To evaluate water loss, total soluble solid content, ascorbic acid content, firmness and color change of cut surface, as well as test quality of bamboo shoot produced in Wu-Ku county of Taipei prefecture were investigated. The results showed the rate of cooling was higher with hydrocooling than with forced-air cooling, however, losses in total soluble solid and ascorbic acid were greater in hydrocooling than in forced-air cooling. The most efficient method of precooling is to cool by hydocooling and forced-air cooling for 20 minutes, respectively. Bamboo shoots packed with 0.06mm PE bag had the effect of modified atmosphere storage, maintaining the soluble solid content and ascorbic acid, as well as reducing changes in color of cut surface. The packing amount of eight pieces of bamboo shoot was worse than that of five pieces due to anaerobic respiration and off-odor. The addition of ethylene scrubber in PE bag increased water loss, decreased browning and toughness at 25℃which accounted for three days storage. No significant difference in quality was noted both 0℃ and 5℃. Bamboo shoots can be held fresh for 21days even without use of ethylene scrubber.The above methods were applied to export bamboo shoot to Japan by sea. After inspecting by the Bureau of animal and plant health inspection and quarantine, COA., precooled bamboo shoot were shipped in a 20’ steel dry cargo container by sea under the condition of 1℃ to Japan. The commodities were maintained in good quality for 16 days, the total soluble solid contents was 7°Brix, without browning, and just a little bit toughening. It was estimated that the expense of sea transportation was 88.8% lower than that of air transportation.


Bamboo shoot precooling package storage export by sea


