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Drought Tolerance and Variability of Agronomic Characters in Rice (Oryza sativa L.)


水稻(Oryza sativa L.)屬於淺根作物,對吸收深層土壤水分的能力有限,在缺乏土壤水分的環境非常敏感,而且乾旱逆境的耕作面積約佔全球的50%。因此,本試驗為探討水稻耐旱性之遺傳行為,首先以葉片捲曲度之乾旱敏感指數來檢測現有栽培品種的耐旱變異及其對農藝性狀之影響。在乾旱逆境處理下,參試的30個品種間無論在農藝性狀(除一穗粒數外)及處理間均呈顯著性差異。當土壤水分張力達20 kPa時,分析各參試品種性狀之反應值((Check-treatment)/Check %)與正常灌溉間之相關時,發現並無顯著相關,而土壤水分張力達到50 kPa時,分蘗數及產量的變異量呈顯著負相關,稔實率則呈顯著正相關,且在此處理下各品種之農藝性狀的表現經主成分分析結果可區分為三群:一群為對乾旱逆境較不敏感的印度型品種,一群為較敏感的早熟日本型品種,另一群則介於上述兩群間之中晚熟日本型品種。


水稻 耐旱 農藝性狀


Rice (Oryza sativa L.) plant in general have a shallow root system and little water extracted from soil. That is particularly susceptible to soil water deficit, and drought affects its growth in about 50% of the production area in the world. Therefore, the goal of the present study mainly focus on genetic variability of drought tolerance in rice. This study were investigating the ability of rice varieties with drought tolerance associated with leaves rolled which as drought sensitivity index. The results showed that the agronomic characters except spikelet number per panicle in 30 rice varieties were significantly under treatment of drought. There 30 rice varieties could be classified as three clusters according to principal component analysis. The first cluster included Indica type rice varieties were found to be drought tolerance. The second cluster included Japonica type of early maturing rice varieties were susceptible to soil water deficit. The third cluster included Japonica type of late maturing rice varieties were in the middle.


rice drought tolerance agronomic characters
