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Study on the Technique of Fertilization for Green Bamboo


本試驗旨在探討北部地區種植綠竹之三要素適宜施用量,以供竹農種植之參考。試驗以2-3年生綠竹為試驗材料,分別於桃園縣龍潭鄉及台北縣五股鄉兩試區進行,採裂區設計,以肥料不同分施次數為主區,不同肥料施用量為副區,三重複,每欉綠竹基肥施用牛糞堆肥60 kg及海鳥磷肥2 kg。龍潭試區採噴水灌溉,五股試區則無灌溉設備。結果顯示,綠竹灌溉明顯影響竹筍產量,龍潭試區每欉平均產量約43.5 kg,較五股試區每欉12.4 kg 約增產31 kg。三要素不同施用量對綠竹筍品質之影響差異未達顯著水準,分4次施用比分6次施用產量高,產筍數多,達顯著水準。不同施肥次數及施肥量處理對竹筍品質之影響差異不顯著,分4次施用比分6次施用產量高,產筍數多,因此綠竹以每欉施用三要素600 g,分4次施用最為經濟。


綠竹 肥料施用量 肥培管理


The experiments were conducted in Wugu township of Taipei county and Longtan township of Taoyuan county to determine the suitable amounts of three essential elements of green bamboo for recommending to the farmers in northern Taiwan. The split plot design with three replications was used. The main plot was frequency of fertilizer, and the sub-plot was amounts of fertilizer application. The cow dung compost, 60 kg bush^(-1), and guano phosphate, 2 kg bush^(-1), were applied for ground fertilize. The Longtan trial was installed with irrigation system, while Wugu trial was not. The results showed that the yield was increased significantly in the trial with irrigation. The average yield of Longtan trail was 43.5 kg bush^(-1), which was 31 kg bush^(-1) higher than that of Wugu trail. The effects of amounts of fertilizer application on the quality of bamboo shoot was no significant. However, the yield of bamboo shoot in the plot that applied 4 timed of fertilizer was significantly higher than the plot that applied 6 times. Therefore, application of fertilizer with the amount of 600 g bush^(-1) for 4 times during the growth period of green bamboo was most economic.

