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Development of Automatic Conveying System for Harvesting Protective Vegetables


本試驗旨在開發設施蔬菜自動化搬運系統,縮短採收後蔬菜搬運時間,以解決設施蔬菜夏季採收時,容器內之蔬菜因堆積太久產生悶熱而降低蔬菜品質問題。本搬運系統包括研製上方設有防曬及隔熱裝置,且能懸掛於滑軌之小型放置蔬菜吊籃及在每棟溫室中央架設一條懸吊滑軌,將懸掛之蔬菜吊籃滑行至設施門口,並在設施間主通道架設循環式吊軌與各棟滑軌相連接,承接蔬菜吊籃使能迅速完成連續採收搬運之目的,以保持採收新鮮蔬菜之品質,增加市場競爭力。此自動化搬運系統已研製完成,經測試每籃可載重24 kg,每分鐘傳送距離20 m。


溫室 蔬菜 搬運


The objectivity of this study was used to develop an automatic transmission system to reduce the conveying time and solve the problem of the vegetable quality deteriorated by high temperature in summer season. Some vegetable baskets with sun prevention and heat insulation devices on the top and hanged in the main track were fabricated. The main track between each greenhouse was fabricated to connect the sling track set in the center part of the greenhouse and conveyed the harvest vegetables to the door of greenhouse quickly and the quality of vegetables could be maintained by continuous transmission and increased the competition of marketing. At the present, the automatic transmission system for conveying harvest vegetables in greenhouse was designed and manufactured. The capacity of the automatic transmission system was 24 kg per basket and the conveying speed was 20 meters per minute.


greenhouse vegetable transmission
