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The Effects of Different Seed Water Content, Storage Temperature, and Duration on Germination Rate in Rice


為瞭解稻種水分含量、儲放條件及取樣時間對發芽率影響,2014 年第一期作以臺稉9 號、臺稉14 號、臺稉16 號、臺農71 號、桃園1 號、桃園3 號、臺中192 號、臺南11 號及高雄145 號等9 個水稻品種進行試驗,稻穀收穫後未烘乾(22~26%)及烘乾至15、14、13%等4 種水分含量為變級,分別置於室溫及冷藏(10℃)條件下,短期儲放3 日、6 日、9 日、12 日及15 日後取出,調查各品種稻種在30℃進行7 日的發芽率。試驗結果顯示,9 個水稻品種的稻種發芽率顯著受稻種水分含量、貯藏時間及溫度影響,多數品種稻種隨水分含量降低而呈發芽率提高的趨勢,儲放在10℃冷藏環境的稻種也較置於室溫環境的發芽率高,各品種稻種隨取樣時間延長發芽率提高,短期儲放時間愈長發芽率愈高。因此,欲利用一期作新收穫稻穀作為二期育苗之用,臺稉9 號、臺稉14 號、臺農71 號、高雄145 號及臺中192 號品種可將稻種烘乾至含水率13%,3~6 日後取出浸種,發芽率即可達85%以上;而臺稉16 號及桃園3號品種稻種則需更長的儲放時間方可達成。


水稻 發芽率


The objective of this study was to evaluate germination quality of seeds of rice cultivars during storage in different conditions. After harvesting, the seeds of nine commercial rice cultivars (Taikeng 9, Taikeng 14, Taikeng 16, Tainan 11, Tainung 71, Taichung 192, Taoyuan 1, Taoyuan 3 and Kaohsiung 145) with moisture content at 13, 14, 15, and 22-26% were stored in room temperature, and 10℃ condition. Seeds quality was investigated at 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15 days of storage by germination test at 30℃ for 7 days. Multivariate ANOVA revealed significant (P < 0.01) effect of seed moisture content, storage condition and storage period on seed germination. The data indicated that seeds with lower moisture content stored at lower temperature (10℃) had greater germination ability. Seed germination percentage significantly (P < 0.05) varied between 38.00% and 98.50% during different storage period were recorded and showed a positive relationship of germination percentage over storage time. Therefore, newly harvested seeds of Taikeng 9, Taikeng 14, Tainung 71, Kaohsiung 145, and Taichung 192 with moisture content at 13% stored in 10℃ for 3-6 days could be used as effective seeding nursery in 2^(nd) crooping season. However, seeds of Taikeng 16 and Taoyuan 3 need longer storage time to meet the criterion.


Oryza sativa L. germination rate
