  • 期刊

Trace Elements in Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma



為了瞭解血清中微量元素鈣、鎂、銅、鋅、鐵等在肝臟腫瘤診斷上之意義,我們自民國73年1月至73年11月間,收集28位肝癌病人及35位正常之血清,以原子收吸光譜法進行分析上述微量元素之濃度,並比較銅/鋅和銅/鐵之比值。結果在正常人和肝癌人血清中微量元素值分別為鈣:86.91±0.2及84.57±16.27μg/ml;鎂16.42±1.10及15.12±2.33μg/ml;銅0.99±0.28及1.32±0.29μg/ml;鋅1.02±0.28及0.98±0.29μg/ml;鐵2.05±0.73 及1.51±0.83μg/ml。銅/鋅比值和銅/鎂比值在正常人為1.02±0.32 及0.52±0.20,肝癌病為1.45±0.53及1.25±0.89。我們發現在統計學上肝癌之血清銅值,銅/鋅比值和銅/鐵比值比正常人明顯升高,而血清鎂和鐵則稍有降低。但不論正常組和肝癌病,其血清微量元素之變動極大,只有銅/鐵比值在臨床診斷上稍有助益,所有正常人之血清銅/鐵比值均小於1.0而14/24(58%)肝癌病心比值大於1.0。敏感度58%而特異性100%。另外因大部分肝癌病人併發有肝硬化,故我們同時亦比較肝癌病人有無併發肝硬化二組間微量元素之差異,結果無統計學上有意義之差異。因本研究未包含其他肝疾患及其他疾病,上述銅/鐵比值之真正價值仍須待進一步之研究。


In order to evaluate the clinical significance of trace elements in liver tumors, 28 patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and 35 normal subjects entered into this study to check the serum level of Ca, Mg, Cu, Zn, and Fe by atomic absorption spectrometry. The results in normal subjects and HCC patients, respectively, are: Ca 86.91±6.28 and 84.57±16.27μg/ml; Mg 16.42±1.10 and 15.12±2.33μg/ml; Cu 0.99±0.28 and 1.32±0.29μg/ml; Zn 1.02±0.28 and 0.98±0.29μg/ml; Fe 2.05±0.73 and 1.51±0.83μg/ml. The Cu/Zn and Cu/Fe ratios, respectively, are 1.02±0.32 and 0.52±0.20 in normal subjects and 1.45±0.53 and 1.25±0.89 in HCC patients. The Cu level, Cu/Zn and Cu/Fe ratios were significantly higher in HCC patients, While Fe and Mg level were significantly lower. The serum levels of trace elements in HCC with of without lever cirrhosis (LC)were also investigated, but no significant difference was found. Because the ranges of Ca, Mg, Cu, Zn, Fe and Cu/Fe ratio. In none of the normal subjects and in 14 of 24 HCC patients, this value was greater than 1.0. It is concluded that in patients with a Cu/Fe ratio greater than 1.0, hepatoma should be highly suspected.




