  • 期刊

A Study of the Changes in Collagen Content and Type and Their Relationship to Calcium in Bone Healing



為了探討骨欠損部在癒合過程中鈣含量與膠原蛋白質變化之關係,在體重2kg左右之雄性家兔腸骨骨體部製作一個直徑7mm的圓形欠損。取出骨癒合過程中欠損部之組織,用EDTA脫鈣後以火焰式原子吸光譜計算其鈣含量。脫鈣後的組織用pepsine抽取膠原蛋白質並利用途中還原法合併Laemmli的SDS電泳法測出膠原蛋白質III型和I型之比及V型和I型之比。另外測定hydroxyproline的量以換算出膠原蛋白質含量,而得到以下之結果: 1.骨癒合早期,當骨欠損部仍是血栓時膠原蛋白質含量相當低,當血栓被及收,而為肉芽組織所代替時,膠原蛋白質含量急速增加並隨著鈣化的進展呈穩定增加。到術後一年,欠損部的膠原蛋白質含量達到最高值且與正常腸骨中之膠原蛋白質同量。 2.術後第一天在骨欠損部就能測出I型,III型和V型膠原蛋白質,III/I和V/I之比在術後一星期內皆呈高值,在術後第7天兩者皆到達最高值,然後III/I和V/I之比皆隨鈣化行而逐漸下降,V/I之比在術後一年當骨欠損部完全鈣化成熟後,其值降到最低點而與正常腸骨之V/I同比值。III型膠原蛋白質在術後一年完全清失與正常腸骨中找不到III型膠原蛋白質相同。因此此時無法測出III/I之比值。 3.鈣含量在術後一週內皆呈低值,從第7天到30天鈣含量一度上升,而從30天到90天鈣含量急速增高至正常腸骨含量,然後就一直維持同量。 4.從骨欠損部癒合過程中明顯的看到鈣含量與膠原蛋白質含量之間,在統計學上有極強的正相關性(r=0.885)而膠原蛋白質含量與癒合時間或鈣含量與癒合時間之間也有極強之相關關係(r=0.956,r=0.898)。當鈣化進行時,膠原蛋白質含量與鈣含量皆同時增加,而於術後一年達最高值,此時骨欠損部之膠原蛋白質含量和鈣含量皆與正常腸骨中含量相同,也可視為骨欠損部已完全鈣化成熟。




The total collagen content of a ilium trephine wound in rabbits, was determined by the hydroxyproline assay. In the initial stages of healing the total collagen content was low but continued to increase to a maximum level. This corresponded to normal ilium tissue growth at one year complete bone maturation. Types I, III and V collagens were initially identified on the first day of the experimental period, using a pepsin-soluble fraction of both a normal ilium and a bony defect wound from rabbits. This was also analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis. The ratios of type III to type I collagen and type V to type I collagen were significantly higher in the initial stages of wound healing. Both ratios reached a maximum on the seventh day of the experimental period, and thereafter decreased gradually to a normal value in one year when the bone matured. But the ratio of type III collagen to type I collagen could not be detected at one year since type III collagen had completely disappeared by that time. In the early stages of the healing process, the calcium content in the ilium trephine wounds was low but changed with increasing collagen content. A strong positive correlation was found to exist between collagen content and calcium content within a one year bone healing process. The calcium content assumed a close relationship with the increasing collagen content of the matrix in the mineralisation process.
