





Ventricular neoplasms can be grouped together as a single disease entity because of the behavior of some of the tumors and similarities between the access of therapy and procedure of operation. In our series, the incidence of various ventricular neoplasms (shown in decreasing order) were metastasis, astrocytoma, ependymoma, meningioma, choroids plexus papillomas and oligodendroglioma. The intraventricular tumors included some metastasis involved by hematogenous spread, meningioms, and choroid plexus papilloma while paraventicular tumors included some of the systemic myeloproliferative disorders with ventricular seeding along with tumors with glial origins. Most of the patients with symptoms of intraventricular tumors also had symptoms related to increased intracranial pressure while those with paraventriular neoplasm presented symptoms related to focal signs or symptoms. CT scan with enhancement could provide a very good image modality except in some involvements in the posterior cranial fossa.


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