  • 期刊

Family Practice Instructional Development Models in Taiwan, Review and Prospective



台灣已於一九九五年三月實施〝全民健康保險〞(簡稱〝全民健保〞);其成功端賴〝醫療網〞的順暢營運,而奠基於家庭醫學導向的基層醫療服務以提供經濟而有效的〝全民健保〞作業,因而台灣家庭醫學的蓬勃發展,蓋可預期。 家庭醫學在台灣是一項嶄新的專科,師資嚴重缺代,因而師資的培養和訓練方案是家庭醫學發展的重心。現任師資的短期訓練及新進師資的長期研究員課程必須同時進展。家庭醫學的繼續教育課程宜著重臨床和社會脈動的配合,裨能熟悉〝全民健保〞的運作。家庭醫學住院醫師的訓練則必須社區化與基層醫療化,以期因應〝醫療網〞的需求。醫學生的家庭醫學教學更是〝全民健保〞的導向,使將來的醫師能坦然接受〝全民健保〞的挑戰。醫事學生的家庭醫學課程必須培養家庭醫學團隊的醫療服務人才以解決社區內的醫療保健需要。家庭醫學推廣教育的目的則在於使社會大眾瞭解家庭醫學的重要性,進而怡然接受〝全民健保〞的醫療體制。 家庭醫學教學的多樣性,必需有獨特教學模式的建立與實證經驗的評估,台灣的家庭醫學運動才能更進一步的發展,在〝全民健保〞的體制下充分解決社區醫療保健的需求,增進全體民眾的健康。




The National Health Insurance Program began in March 1995 in Taiwan. The success of the program depends largely on the operation of “Regionalization Medical Networks” which rely on family practice to provide cost-effective medical care. Instructional development activity needs to be addressed as the highest priority, to meet the impelling needs of family practice training. The acute shortage of family practice educators in Taiwan draws attention for a need of family practice faculty development programs, including short-term seminars and long-term fellowships. Continuing education programs in family practice help keep abreast the scientific as well as the social developments in familiarizing new guidelines of the National Health Insurance Program. Residency training programs that are community-based and ambulatory-oriented will prepare family practice resident physicians to make contributions for the future of “Regionalization Medical Networks”. As well, the undergraduate family practice education programs will prepare future physicians with the adaptations and the challenges of the National Health Insurance Program. The allied health education programs are fundamental to build family practice teams to meet community health needs. Lastly, public education programs designed to familiarize the public with the National Health Insurance Program will help give the public an understanding and appreciation of the contributions of family practice in the health care delivery.


董倫銓(2010)。醫學典範轉移導致醫療社群改變認知之探討: 以幽門螺旋桿菌成功發現對醫學影響為例〔博士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2010.00076
