  • 期刊


Job Strain, Social Support and Mental Health: A Study on the Male Heavy Manufacturing Workers


研究目的:本研究之主要目的在探討工廠作業員之工作經驗,如個人所感受之工作壓力狀態以及所得到工作場所之社會支持對於工廠作業員工之心理健康狀況的影響。 研究方法:於民國1994年10月至1995年3月共5個月期間,以意選樣的方式,選取南部三家重工業工廠之員共1,117名為研究對象,進行一自填式問卷調查研究。問卷內容包括:研究對象背景資料,Karasek工作壓力狀態測量,工作場所社會支持功能及中國人健康問卷,等以評估受訪者之工作壓力、社會支持、以及心理健康狀態。 研究結果:所有研究對象中以年輕(年齡15至30歲)、低收入(個人月收人少於四萬元新台幣)、新進員工(服務年資未達一年者),其心理健康狀況欠佳的比率顯示著較高於的其他組別。研究對象中,個人對其所從事工作的主控性愈高、或在工作場所中所獲得的社會支持愈高,則愈少心理健康欠佳的情形:處於高壓力工作狀態之工作者,其心理健康狀況欠佳比率最高。以多變項分析評估對心理健康狀況之影響因素,結果發現:服務年資愈高,愈不易發生心理健康欠佳;個人對其所從事之工作主控性愈高,愈不易發生心理健康欠佳;社會支持愈高,愈不易發生心理健康欠佳,個人經處於高壓力狀態者,較易發生心理健康欠佳。 結論:作者將就研究法以及研究結果進行討論,並針對目前的社會職業結構提出若干建議。




Object: The aim of this study is to explore the influence of work experience on workers’ psychological fuction. Specifically, the researchers will examine the effect of job demand, decision latitude, job strain, and social support at worksite on the mental health status of male heavy manufacturing workers. Method: By purposive sampling, from October 1994 to March 1995, the present investigators implemented a self-administered questionnaire survey on the workers in southern Taiwan. The Karasek job strain model and its measure were embedded in the questionnaire to evaluate workers’ perceptions of their job conditions. In addition, Chinese Health Questionnaire (CHQ) was utilized to evaluate the workers’ status of mental health. Result: Totally, 1,117 workers were selected for this survey. An unviriate analysis showed the younger the workers, the lower their monthly income, and the newer their employment, were more likely to be classified as high risk in mental health status. The workers with more decision latitude and higher social support would be better in mental health status. In addition, it also showed that workers under high job strain were more likely to be in poor mental health status. Result from multivariate logisitc regression showed those who served onger, had more decision automony, and had higher social support, were less likely to be in poor mental health status. Instead, those who sustained high job strain were more likely to be in poor mental health status. Discussion: The implication from those findings for the implementation of health promotion program would be raised, and the limition of this inference would also be discussed.


job strain social support mental health


龔士傑(2010)。工作壓力所衍生的疲勞倦怠對健康影響的研究 -以南部業務員為例-〔碩士論文,長榮大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6833/CJCU.2010.00136
