  • 學位論文


The Relationship among Frequency of Negative Customer Events ,Job Burnout and Emotional Labor : The Moderating Role of Personality Trait and Social Support

指導教授 : 諸承明 邱雅萍


目前台灣社會已轉向服務經濟為主的型態,甚至許多製造業也創新服務化以跟上趨勢,而兩岸在產業交流上也日漸頻繁,未來若中國大陸服務業進入台灣,勢必會造成台灣服務業環境競爭更加激烈以及改變目前台灣服務經濟之生態模式,又加上因今日資訊流通快速、消費者意識高漲,需求增多等種種因素,台灣服務業必須提供更優質的服務,使得第一線服務人員遭遇到負向顧客事件的頻次越來越高,造成更多的壓力,但企業為了競爭,限制第一線服務人員表達情緒的自由,第一線服務人員為了遵守標準而必須進行情緒勞動。以往研究也鮮少探討員工工作倦怠感是否會影響其情緒勞動的程度,因此,本研究試圖探討第一線服務人員遭遇負向顧客事件頻次與其工作倦怠感的關係以及第一線服務人員工作倦怠與其情緒勞動的關係,並加入人格特質與社會支持作為調節變項,觀察兩變項是否對上述關係產生調節作用。 本研究以第一線服務人員作為研究對象,採電腦問卷及實體發放進行施測,共回收 258份問卷,有效問卷共229份,有效問卷率為88.8%,研究結果發現: 1.負向顧客事件頻次與工作倦怠之正向關聯性獲得支持。 2.工作倦怠與情緒勞動之負向關聯性獲得部分支持。 3.人格特質對於負向顧客事件頻次與工作倦怠間之關係部分調節效果獲得支持。 4.社會支持對於工作倦怠與情緒勞動間之關係部分調節效果獲得支持。 綜上所述,負向顧客事件頻次確實印證過去學者之研究,與工作倦怠感有顯著正向關聯性。工作倦怠感中之「缺乏成就感」與情緒勞動中之「正向情緒表達」有顯著的負向關聯性,意謂第一線服務人員若缺乏成就感之程度越高,則會減少其表達正向情緒的程度。擁有「開放性」、「勤勉審慎性」、「親和性」及「外向性」等人格特質之第一線服務人員,較能調適因負向顧客事件頻次提高而產生工作倦怠感的狀況。主管與同事若能提供較資訊性及實質性之幫助,則能有效的調節第一線服務人員因工作倦怠感進而施行情緒勞動的程度。


Today's customers have enhanced awareness, and they require businesses to provide better service, this also result frequency of the first-line service staffs suffering from the negative customer events rises and create more pressure on the first-line service staffs. Because of the competition factors, many businesses restrict freedom of expressing emotions on the first-line service staffs and the staffs begin to emotion labor in order to comply with the standard. In summary, this research trying to investigate when the first-line service staffs suffered from frequency of negative customer events rises relation to their job burnout, and their job burnout relation to the degree of their emotional labor. Moreover, two moderator variables, personality traits and social support, shall be added to see if these variables have any moderating effect on the abovementioned discussion. The target group of this research focused on the first-line service staffs. Used the internet questionnaire and on-site physical survey, received 258 questionnaires totally, 229 of them were valid, valid recovery rate 88.8%. The main results of this research are summed up as follows: 1.Support of positive relationship between frequency of negative customer events and job burnout. 2.Part support of negative relationship between job burnout and emotional labor. 3.Part support of personality traits having moderating effect on the job burnout due to frequency of negative customer events. 4.Part support of social support having moderating effect on the emotional labor due to job burnout. Above all, the finding confirmed previous studies, there was a positive relationship between frequency of negative customer events and job burnout. There was a negative relationship between lack of accomplishment and expression of positive emotions. The first-line service staffs who have the personality trait “openness ”, “conscientiousness ”, “agreeableness ”, “extraversion ” better able to improve the situation suffer from relationship between frequency of negative customer events and job burnout. If the superiors and colleagues could provide more substantive and informative assistance, the first-line staffs better able to improve the level of emotional labor due to job burnout.


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