  • 期刊

Alezeimer's Disease: Scintigraphic Appearance of Tc-99m HMPAO Brain Spect

Tc-99m HMPAO腦部單光子射出電腦斷層掃瞄於阿滋海默氏症的診斷價值


阿滋海默氏症會引起腦部局部血流的變化,因此本計畫針對Tc-99m HMPAO腦部單光子射出電腦斷層掃瞄於阿滋海默氏症的診斷價值加以進行研究。總計一百四十位患者及二十位對照者皆於靜脈注射Tc-99m HMPAO之後,接受Tc-99m HMPAO腦部單光子射出電腦斷層掃瞄的檢查。單光子射出電腦斷層掃瞄的結果顯示,依據七種腦部局部血流變化的形式,發現這些患者為阿滋海默氏症的可能性分別如下:正常腦部局部血流分佈者為14%,雙側性顳頂葉腦部局部血流低下者為87%,雙側性顳頂葉腦部局部血流低下併有其他腦部局部血流低下者為73%,單側性顳頂葉腦部局部血流低下者為62%,額葉腦部局部血流低下者為33%,至於其他大範圍腦部局部血流低下及多處腦部局部血流低下者皆為0%。我們的研究成果發現Tc-99m HMPAO腦部單光子射出電腦斷層的雙側性顳頂葉腦部局部血流低下者於阿滋海默氏症診斷的確具有價值;甚且,Tc-99m HMPAO腦部單光子射出電腦斷層掃瞄會有助於阿滋海默氏症的病理變化之瞭解。




To investigate the value of Tc-99m hexamethylpropylene amine oxime (Tc99m HMP AO) single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) as a diagl1ostic test for Alzheimer’s disease. Met/rods and patients: Tc-99m HMP AO SPECT was performed on 140 patients and 20 controls. A final diagnosis was established for 115 patients, 58 of whom had Alzheimer’s disease. The probability of AD was determined for seven scintigraphic patterns. The probability of Alzheimer’s disease was 14% for patients with memory loss and normal perfusion. For patients with abnormal perfusion patterns, the probability of Alzheimer’s disease was 87% with bilateral temporoparietal defects, 73% with bilateral temporoparietal defects plus additional defects, 62% with a unilateral temporoparietal defect, 33% with a frontal defect only, 0% with other large defects, and 0% with multiple small cortical defects. In 115 patients with the complaint of memory loss or cognitive abnormalities, bilateral temporoparietal hypoperfusion with or without additional hypoperfusion was more frequent than other scintigraphic patterns in patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Tc-99m HMP AO SPECT offers the clinician the possibility of differentiating dementias on the basis of differences in perfusion patterns.


Tc-99m HMPAO SPECT Alzheimer's disease
