  • 期刊

Developing a Safety and Health Training Model for Petrochemical Workers




石化業於我國經濟發展上扮演極重要的角色,但其製程對員工的潛在危險性亦相對較高。本研究第一年發現,石化業者的管理者與員工對於危害認知,皆與教育訓練活動呈現正相關。因此,延續第一年的研究,針對員工及管理者設計一安全衛生訓練模式,評估其可行性,以期有助於危害之認知,並降低作業之危險性。研究對象分成三組,A組與B組係隨機取自第一年的研究對象,C組則為第二年新加入的研究對象,三組中只有B組未參加第二年的安全衛生訓練。但是,三組皆接受訓練後認知與態度的問卷調查,探討三組間得分的差異及其影響因子。結果發現,員工認知與態度之得分,經Kruskal-Wallis H test檢定,三組間存在顯著的差異,且A組、C組的得分皆高於B組。管理者的得分則經Mann-Whitney U檢定,亦呈現A組顯著高於B組。其後,又經Spearman regression及stepwise multiple regression分析探討後,得知本研究所設計的訓練課程,是顯著影響員工與管理者在認知與態度得分的正向因子。尤其是「訓練課程」對於管理者,而「教育程度」則針對員工,皆影響更為顯著。


石化業 訓練模式 認知 態度


The production processes of the petrochemical industry expose workers to high potential hazards. Our previous study showed that hazard recognition was closely related to worker safety and health training activities. The purpose of this study was to establish and validate a safety and health training model. It is expected that the training model will help workers to recognize hazards, thereby lowering their operating risks. The training model, which included a complete training course and follow-up scoring using a questionnaire, was applied to three groups of subjects for comparison. Group A had joined our study previously and took the training course again at this time. Group B had also joined our previous study but did not take this training course. Group C was new to our study and took this training course for the first time. Groups A and C (who took the training course) had higher cognition and attitude scores than group B (who did not take the training course). The training course was a significant factor that positively influenced both cognition and attitude scores among managers and workers. The training course was more significant for managers while the duration of education was more significant for workers.
