  • 期刊

Perceived Enactment of Autonomy and Related Sociodemographic Factors Among Non-institutionalized Elders




本研究目的旨在瞭解非機構老年住民的知覺自主性情形,以及探討其相關的社會人口學因素。以立意取樣方式,採一對一問卷訪談65歲以上居住在高雄縣市住家、認知功能完整、可行動、可以言語溝通的老人,徵求其參與研究之意願後共整理160位有效樣本。測量的工具包括個人基本資料及中文版知覺自主性量表。研究結果發現此社區非機構老人樣本具有傾向高分的知覺自主性(平均為3.38),其中3個分量排行高低依序為個別性(平均為3.54)、自我導向(平均為3.49)及自由性(平均為3.16)。由逐步複迴歸分析結果發現影響社區居家老人知覺自主性的顯著影響因素依序為是否需要人協助食、衣、住、行(β= -0.62),自覺健康狀況(β= 0.20)、及有無配偶(β= 0.14)和年齡(β= -0.13),其共可解釋61.9%的變異量。研究發現愈需要人協助、自覺健康差、無配偶以及年紀愈大者,所知覺到的自主性越低,而且達到統計上顯著的水準。基於研究的發現提出一些建議給執業者和研究者,未來研究可朝向加大隨機抽樣的數目以及檢視更多的相關影響因素以增加對老人知覺自主性的瞭解和臨床照護之應用。


The purpose of this study was to assess empirical data on the perceived enactment of autonomy (PEA), Chinese version, and to explore factors related to PEA among non-institutionalized elderly. A purposive sample of 165 subjects older than 65 years was recruited in Kaohsiung in southern Taiwan. Five subjects failed to answer their questionnaires completely; the total effective sample was thus 160. Questionnaires and interviews were used to collect data. The structured questionnaire consisted of two parts, assessing sociodemographic information and the PEA scale, Chinese version. Subjects had a high PEA score (mean, 3.38), with the greatest score in individuality (mean, 3.54), followed by self-direction (mean, 3.49) and freedom (mean, 3.16). Multiple regression analysis showed that the need for assistance in activities of daily living (β= -0.62), overall health status (β=0.20), marital status (β=0.14), and age (β=-0.13) significantly affected PEA in these elderly subjects and explained 61.9% of the total variance of PEA in this population. Based on these results, we provide substantive suggestions to practitioners and researchers. Possible future studies could expand the sample size using a random sampling method or examine factors related to PEA in order to learn more about PEA and apply it to clinical practice.


