  • 期刊

Correlates of Attitudes toward Homosexuality and Intention to Care for Homosexual People among Psychiatric Nurses IN Southern Taiwan




本研究之目的為探討南台灣精神科護理人員對於同性戀性取向的態度、對同性戀性取向者提供照顧的意願以及這兩者與社會人口學、工作經驗、個人性取向、對於同性戀相關議題的知識、接觸同性戀性取向者之經驗等因素之間的關連性。研究對象為來自一所醫學中心、三所區域教學醫院和一所精神科專科醫院的133位南台灣精神科護理人員,依據Attitudes Troward Homosexuality Questionnaire調查其對於同性戀性取向的態度,並調查其對同性戀性取向者提供照顧的意願,以及態度和照顧意願與其他因素之間的關連性。研究結果發現:在精神科護理人員中,有學士或碩士學位者、自覺對於同性戀相關議題具有較高程度的知識、有親友為同性戀性取向者,對於同性戀性取向具有較正向的態度。在醫學中心和區域教學醫院工作的精神科護理人員比在精神科專科醫院工作者具有較高意願對同性戀性取向者提供照顧;對於同性戀性取向具正向態度者有較高意願對同性戀性取向者提供照顧。本研究之結果可提供擬定策略協助精神科護理人員促進對於同性戀性取向之正向態度和提升對同性戀性取向者提供照顧意願之參考。


This study examined the association between attitudes toward homosexual individuals and intention to provide care and demographic and occupational factors, sexual orientation, knowledge about homosexuality, and experiences of contact with homosexual people among psychiatric nurses in southern Taiwan. In total, 133 psychiatric nurses from a medical center, three regional teaching hospitals, and one psychiatric hospital in southern Taiwan were recruited into this study. Their attitudes toward homosexual people as recorded on the Attitudes Toward Homosexuality Questionnaire, intention to provide care to homosexual individuals, and related factors were examined. The results revealed that psychiatric nurses who had a bachelor's or master's degree, higher level of knowledge about homosexuality, and friends or relatives with a homosexual orientation had a more positive attitude toward homosexuality. These psychiatric nurses, with more positive attitudes, and who worked in the medical center or regional teaching hospitals had a higher intention to care for homosexual people. The factors related to attitudes toward homosexuality and intention to care for homosexual people identified in this study should be taken into consideration when intervening in psychiatric nurses' attitudes toward homosexuality and intention to care for homosexual people.
