  • 期刊


Preliminary Evaluation of Mold Growth for Wooden Material of Natural Ventilated Buildings in Ilan




All buildings of the world have problems of water damage that causes mold pollution and health risk In Indoor environment. The annual relative humidity of Ilan area is the highest In Taiwan. Except the relative humidity of summer is in lower grade relative humidity of the rest of the year is high and the highest value is at mid-winter according to the hourly meteorological data of 2004. We evaluated the mold growth of wooden material in natural ventilated buildings by the experimental results of mold growth in wooden materials with mathematical models from previous researches. The annual variation of the critical relative humidity of mold growth, the time proportion of favorable condition for mold growth, the largest possible mold growth are affected by the atmospheric environment. It is showed that the period of unfavorable condition for mold growth is July to September at summer, whereas the most favorable condition happened at mid-winter within a year. The annual variation of mold growth results in a similar tendency although based on different initial conditions of mold growth. The annual mold growth is reduced if the surface of wooden materials is cleaned during the period of mold growth. The variation of mold growth from the monthly data of meteorology is similar as the variation of annual mold growth based on the hourly meteorological data. Future research will focus on the native building materials and construction types to derive the evaluation method of mold growth in local area.
